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emkodra's snapchat

EMINA: "waiting for my honey to hurry the fuck up so we can leave

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EMINA: "waiting for my honey to hurry the fuck up so we can leave."
GRANT: "don't be rude babe!"

EMINA: "he's so pretty it kinda makes my eyes hurt

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EMINA: "he's so pretty it kinda makes my eyes hurt."
GRANT: "Awww babe."

EMINA: "exclusive! grant being a massive dork on set of the flash!"CANDICE: "not really an exclusive

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EMINA: "exclusive! grant being a massive dork on set of the flash!"
CANDICE: "not really an exclusive."

EMINA: "go ahead, ask me

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EMINA: "go ahead, ask me."
CANDICE: "would you leave grant for me?"
EMINA: "in a heartbeat."
CARLOS: "i'm telling!"
TOM: "grant!!!"

photograph ⇨ GRANT GUSTINWhere stories live. Discover now