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Emina was nervous as she was being prepped for an interview.
Sure she'd been interviewed before but this time felt different and she was even being prepped on what not to do.
Everything seemed so official to her that it was scary.
But she managed to fake a smile for it, the interviewer now suspecting a thing as the cameras started rolling.
"We're here with the fabulous Em Kodra and we're here to talk about her upcoming album, tours and her love life."
Chuckling, Emina shook her head, "Aw man! Do we have to talk about the last bit?"
"Being you're now 1/2 of one Hollywood's new favorite couples, yeah- only if you want to of course."
Fighting the smile off her face, Emina sighed happily, "I could talk about that man all day."
While that was what Emina felt, she realized pretty quickly maybe she shouldn't have said that.
Because the second she did, it was like a light went off in the interviewer's face, smiling brightly at the confirmation.
"Great! So you rang in the year with a new man!"
Chuckling a bit, Emina only nodded as the interviewer smiled even more, "CW's very own Flash: Grant Gustin."
Not being able to fight the smile off her face at the mention of his name, Emina nodded, "I have, yeah."
"And how is that going? Great I hope?"
"Definitely, yeah. It's going fantastic. Grant is an amazing guy and- he's just fantastic."
"And the age difference- not an issue to you?"
Grimacing, Emina shook her head, "Not at all. It is only 5 years right? Not a big deal."
"Is it 5? I thought it was 6."
"It is now but only cause his birthday's passed and mines all the way in August."
"The more you know." the woman laughed, Emina chuckling a bit as the process continued.
"Okay so age is not a problem. But how about the distance? I know there are a lot of long distance couples out there desperate for advice so what could you possibly say to them?"
"Wow. I am not one to go to for advice but just... appreciate every minute spent together when you aren't apart. Because that time- that time is very special. And those are the times you'll wish you held onto when you're missing your significant other very much on a daily basis so never take a moment for granted ."
"Well that's very sweet advice Emina, thank you."
"No problem." Emina chuckled nervously, hoping that part of the interview was over- but of course it only continued.
"We here wish you and Grant nothing but the best and hope that you two stay together because honestly you're so bloody cute!"
"Thank you, thank you." Emina laughed, "I hope we stay together forever too. I'll try my hardest to make that happen."
And she was telling the truth.
This may have been a new thing for her, being with someone who wasn't her childhood sweetheart Adam and so she wasn't sure how she would feel after that for a long time.
But now, with Grant, it felt perfect.
And she would be damned if she let anyone or anything ruin that.