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call me

i can't
i'm busy


Emina was physically shaking as she looked down at her phone, waiting for Adam's contact to pull up.

When it finally did, she stopped momentarily, noticing that the contact picture she had was of them when they were happy.

Funnily enough even recently with their small problems she still thought they were happy but now she couldn't help but wonder if that was farther from the truth.

Answering the phone, she heard Adam sigh over the line.

"Okay I don't know what's wrong but I have to be on set soon. So can you just make this fast?"

"Yeah, sure. How fast do you want to admit to me that something is going on between you and Charlie?"

Silence filled the other end of the line, Emina finding herself grow teary eyed, "So it's true?"

"Wh-what makes you think something is going on between me and Charlie Emina?"

"Because he just freaking told me he loves you!"

"He what?"

"Yeah! My best friend told me he loves my boyfriend! So tell me right now Adam what the fuck is going on?!"

"It's not my fault he loves me Emina! Why are you yelling at me and not him?!"

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, "Adam. If you love me- if you ever loved me at all you'll tell me the truth. Did something happen between you and Charlie?"

Silence hit the couple again, Adam struggling with what to do before finally sighing deeply.

"There may have been something."

"Wh-what? What happened?"

"We-" closing his eyes realizing this was it. Adam found it harder to reveal, knowing what he'd say next would break her heart, "We had sex."

"Oh-oh my god."

Knowing Emina and what she would do, his eyes shot open, "Emina please, don't hang up. Let me explain."

"Explain?! Explain what?! How your dick accidentally ended up in my best friend?!"

"Emina, please."

"How could you? Do you not love me at all?"

"No." Adam quickly protested, "God no. Emina you mean the world to me. What happened with Charlie- that was a mistake."

"A mistake? So it only happened once?" and once again, hearing the silence, Emina now had her answer, "How many times did you fuck him Adam?"

"I-I don't know." he confessed, "A couple of times."

"Ho-how- how long?" Emina finally managed to ask through tears, only making Adam tear up himself, knowing for sure now that he'd lose her.

"Ever since I visited you on tour that first time."

And that was it, the big heart break.

The one Emina thought was impossible hearing about it but yet here she was, feeling like her heart just shattered then and there.

"This whole time. I-" she stopped short, realization hitting her, "That's why you've been acting weird. And him too. You two have been fucking behind my back and- oh god. Did you ever even want to get back together in the first place or was I just a pawn so you could get closer to Charlie?!"

"No! Don't be ridiculous Emina. I love you. And I wanted to be with you-"



"You just said wanted. You want to be with Charlie now?"

Sighing frustratedly, he ran a hand through his hair, "Does it matter now? I mean it's obvious you hate me."

"Yeah." Emina confessed, "I never thought I would but- yeah. I hate you."

Feeling his heart break at those words, Adam choked back tears threatening to spill out.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you." Adam sighed, his eyes closing in frustration, "I didn't want to lose you Emina."

"Too late for that." she whispered, a tear sliding down her cheek, "You lost me the second you started anything up with Charlie."

"Emina. Please-"

"We're done- and this time for good. Goodbye Adam."

With that she hung up the phone, throwing it to the side, breaking out into a sob the second realization hit her.

photograph ⇨ GRANT GUSTINWhere stories live. Discover now