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She felt numb

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She felt numb.

The whole way to Grant's hotel she felt numb.

Her uber driver took notice in this, asking if she was okay, prompting a small smile from Emina.

"I was planning on waiting at my boyfriend's place for him to get back from work so we could spend some time together but turns out he's been cheating on me this whole time- with my best friend."

"Oh god. That's brutal. I'm sorry doll."

Emina shook her head, "I guess it just sucks cause I lost not only one but two of the people closest to me. An-and packing all my things from his place..."

"Don't worry." he reassured her, smiling at her from the rearview mirror, "You'll feel better in no time. It may not seem like it now but this is not the end of the world."

Emina only nodded, obviously not believing him which he took notice of.

"I once had a friend who's boyfriend stepped all over her and never treated her right. And they would be on and off again until finally one day she reached her limit and broke it off for good. I'm assuming you broke up with your boyfriend?"

Nodding, she wiped the tears that had fallen, making him continue, "She did too. But still, even after she felt like a mess- I'm guessing like you do right now."

Scoffing, Emina nodded, "That's an understatement... but how is she now? Did she get over it?"

"Oh yeah." he smiled brightly, "She's happily married now with 3 kids."

"Wow." Emina mumbled, "Well she was lucky then, finding the right guy."

"Nothing about luck sweetheart. He was right under her nose the whole time- her best friend."

"Best friend huh? Doesn't seem like that applies to me then."

Bringing the car to a stop he turned to face her, "Oh he's there. He's watching you, making sure you're okay all the time, always telling you how beautiful and great you are. In fact, he's probably the one you're going to right now."

Looking up at the hotel, Emina felt at loss for words, "Ho-how-"

"Because I was him." he smiled, "And I would've waited forever for her, just like I'm sure this young man will wait for you. Take your time. Learn to appreciate him, realize that this break up is something you'll get over in no time and soon, you'll be happy again."

Emina was at loss for words as she thanked him quietly, grabbing her things before entering the hotel, having no problem going up to Grant's room being she was basically a regular since he arrived.

The cab driver's words rang through her mind, already giving him a 5 star rating and a big tip as a thanks when she suddenly stood before Grant's door and the realization hit her again.

Despite what the cab driver thought, she wasn't here to profess her love to Grant.

She was here to cry to her best friend about her big break up.

She was here because he was the only one she knew could make her feel better.

And seeing him opening the door, not even hesitating to pull her into a hug when he saw the look on her face, she knew she made the right decision.

That's when she told him everything that happened, Grant just listening to what she had to say as he held her close, letting her let all her emotions out.

By the time she finished, she felt fresh out of tears, clinging onto him as she looked at nothing.

"Come with me." he suddenly spoke, Emina looking up in confusion.

"Co-come with you? Where?"

"Canada. You need to get away and- just come with me. Please."

photograph ⇨ GRANT GUSTINWhere stories live. Discover now