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emkodra so sureal! can't believe i'm actually here or even saying this, let alone typing this. original music from mwah to come very soon!! 🖤🖤🖤 view all 102 comments
username WOW congrats em!
username so happy for you, such a huge fan since day one. can't wait to hear some original stuff!!
emkodra thank you both so much!!! username username
angkodra guys she's killing it!
charliedanes you're crying aren't you angkodra???
angkodra can't help it if i'm proud of my baby bear charliedanes
emkodra jfc charliedanes we're on a 10 minute break and she's still crying. she's embarrassing me!!! 😩
angkodra oh shut up emkodra! you should be happy i'm here at all! i missed work for this!!
emkodra please you called out from work even before i asked you angkodra
angkodra true. any excuse to not be in work is a good one for me
charliedanes you two are the worst omg
emkodra pretty sure we already got everyone here to hate us charliedanes
angkodra love*** we're the best thing to ever happen to them
emkodra 🙄🙄🙄
adamhayes remember i'm treating you two to dinner as a congrats! can't wait to see you both 😘
emkodra you're the bestttt adamhayes 💕
angkodra can we change that to lunch? i'm starving adamhayes
adamhayes i'll bring you two lunch text me angkodra
angkodra omg yes!!!! adamhayes
emkodra omg no! now i'm gonna have 2 emotional people with me
angkodra shut it emkodra we can't help that we're proud of you ❤
emkodra you're right, thanks 🙈💕
**** i just realized i haven't been proof reading so apologies if there's any mistakes here and there 🙈🙈🙈