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charliedanes the loml has officially joined me on the suburbia tour! stay tuned guys this girl is fucking amazing! #ifihadtochooseagirl tagged: emkodra view all 1,627 comments
username omg if i had to choose a girl??? 😂😂😂
username already loving her so much
username love this friendship
username i wish i could go to one of the shows! 😩
username whos this
username you two did great tonight!!
emkodra love you charles 💕 charliedanes
username she called him charles omg
username quick lets all call him charles!
charliedanes no fucking way username only she's allowed 🙈
charliedanes love you too emmy emkodra you killed it tonight!
username thats how you know he loves her ^^^
username brotp
username can't wait for the rest of this tour omg
angkodra look at my bbys and how fast they're growing 😪 i expect a FaceTime call soon!