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Hearing a knock on her door confused Emina, lazily getting out of her bed, pausing the Vampire Diaries as she went to answer the door

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Hearing a knock on her door confused Emina, lazily getting out of her bed, pausing the Vampire Diaries as she went to answer the door.

She hadn't ordered any food, wasn't expecting her sister or friends so whoever was at the door was a complete surprise to her.

She was even more surprised seeing who it actually was.

The last person she thought would be there, or even in England for that matter.


"Hey." He smiled softly, pulling from behind his back a bouquet of flowers, "For you."

Feeling a blush creep up on her cheeks, Emina accepted the flowers with a smile, "Oh god. Thank you. Come in."

Grant followed her, closing the door behind him as she got a vase for her flowers, setting them down in her living room.

And when that was done, she hesitantly turned to him, the nerves building up seeing the guy she really liked standing there, looking as handsome as ever.

"Sooo what are you doing here? Don't you have to be in Virginia celebrating that American holiday- Thanksgiving right now?"

"I uh... I decided to skip it... because the one person I'm the most thankful for doesn't know how I really feel."

'Oh god. This is it.' Emina thought, only looking at Grant wide eyed as he motioned towards the couch.

She quickly nodded, the two taking their seats, both extremely nervous.

"I like you a lot... you know that right?"

Emina slowly nodded, whispering, "Yeah."

Grant shook his head though, "I don't think you do. Because these past few days have been torture- not talking to you. Every morning I look forward to texting you or talking to you or just having contact with you and not doing that these past few days have been torture."

Smiling sadly, Emina nodded, "Same here. It's become like a necessity, texting you. I've been fighting myself not to do it."

Chuckling a bit, Grant playfully nudged her, "Same here. And you haven't been texting me because..."

"I'm not proud of it but... it has to do with you know who- but I don't want to talk about it!"

"Lyra." Grant finished for her, Emina rolling her eyes but nodding, "We have to talk about it."

Frowning, Emina now threw her head back, "Do we have to talk about her?"

"Unfortunately, we do." Grant smiled softly, fiddling with her hand nervously, "I want to tell you why I met with her."

"Okay... go ahead. Tell me."

"I was the one who called her. After we talked I realized that I didn't want her and what she did to me to impact me of what I really wanted and that's to be with you. So, even though I've been avoiding it, I think I finally got it- closure."

"What did she do to you? If you don't mind me asking of course."

"Of course I don't mind. I just- she cheated on me on multiple occasions.


"Yeah. And she was basically my first serious relationship so it took a big toll on me."

Emina slowly nodded, "That's understandable... and since we're on the topic of exes..."

"Adam." Grant mumbled, Emina sighing in defeat.

"I... I guess I let Adam and our relationship affect my others because my whole life he's all I've known. I've had other relationships sure but each time I just went back to Adam."

Seeing how uncomfortable Grant was getting, Emina gave his hand a comfortable squeeze, "But this time it's different and I feel it. That's why I'm so worried I think. I've gotten so used to Adam and how he is that I'm scared that the way I was with him is not how other guys- how you would want me to be. And I don't want to lose you."

"You won't." Grant tried to reassure her, "Trust me if you're anything like you've been these past few months that we've known each other than I'm sure you'll be the best girlfriend ever."

"That's sweet Grant." Emina smiled softly, "And I am sorry, for reacting that way about Lyra. It's just- seeing another girl, a beautiful girl possibly catching your interest over me I- well I got jealous."

"Did you now?" Grant smirked, loving the turn of events.

Rolling her eyes playfully, Emina shoved him as she stood up, "Shut up."

Laughing, Grant quickly got up to stop her before she could leave.

Emina turned around, ready for the playful banter when she noticed that was not what he was doing at all.

Instead he had turned serious again, getting closer to her, his eyes focused on her lips.

"Stop." she held a hand out, stopping Grant before he could get closer to her.

"You should know before you get into this that I'm really insecure. I mean I may not seem like it but when it comes to people I really care about, as much as I don't like to admit it, I do get jealous and get a little crazy and-"

"And I'm crazy about you." Grant interrupted, pulling her close before she had another chance to interrupt, closing the gap between the two.

And there, sharing their first kiss, Emina and Grant couldn't have been happier.

photograph ⇨ GRANT GUSTINWhere stories live. Discover now