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emkodraserving since '95 👅 📸: (my handsome date tonight) grantgustview all 3,173 comments

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serving since '95 👅 📸: (my handsome date tonight) grantgust
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emkodraserving since '95 👅 📸: (my handsome date tonight) grantgustview all 3,173 comments

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i mean how lucky am i guys???
tagged: emkodra
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grantgusti mean how lucky am i guys???tagged: emkodraview all 3,168 comments

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ditto babe
tagged: grantgust
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emkodraditto babetagged: grantgustview all 3,372 comments

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what happens between takes at the flash... #gofish???
tagged: grantgust, tha_los, dpanabaker, therealvictorgarber
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tylergust10"cmon ty! you're a photographer! just take the picture!" and they said i wouldn't be third wheeling

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"cmon ty! you're a photographer! just take the picture!" and they said i wouldn't be third wheeling...
tagged: grantgust, emkodra
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tagged: grantgust, emkodraview all 2,719 comments

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currently fangirling rn ngl. so honored to have taken this beautiful picture of all these beautiful people #yourewelcome #cwisblessed #currentlycreepingtyleroff #sorry
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 so honored to have taken this beautiful picture of all these beautiful people #yourewelcome #cwisblessed #currentlycreepingtyleroff #sorryview all 4,729 comments

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emkodra's snapchat story is too funny today 😂😍
tagged: emkodra, grantgust
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usernameemkodra's snapchat story is too funny today 😂😍tagged: emkodra, grantgustview all 189 comments

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"pose." "no." "i'm gonna send this to grant." and she does this. she is just too much 😂 #girlsnight
tagged: emkodra, grantgust
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 she is just too much 😂 #girlsnighttagged: emkodra, grantgustview all 3,289 comments

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2 years and counting. i love you more and more everyday grantgust. thank you for being you and loving me unconditionally everyday 😘💕
tagged: grantgust
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love you angel ❤


photograph ⇨ GRANT GUSTINWhere stories live. Discover now