Chapter eight

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"Sunbae! Taste this. Its really good!"

"Sunbae! This meat is so soft!"

"Sunbae. These chopsticks slip out of my hand!"

Its lunch time and Meera has been bugging me for the past ten minutes. It's not like she is annoying but it feels as if her brain stopped developing after ten! I wonder how she got admitted to this school two months after session started.

This morning when she opened her locker all the trash fell down from it. Banana milk was poured all over her locker.


"Omo!" She jumped back on opening her locker. Everyone in the hallway witnessed that. All the sunbaes came too and smirked.

All of us were waiting for her to burst into tears or get angry. But...


She squealed in happiness and ran to the staffroom. Minutes later she came back with a teacher and sadly pointed to the locker.

"Seosengnim. I did all the work of the past two months which all the teachers asked me to do and I wanted to submit all the work today.." she paused and sniffed a little before continuing.

"But someone did this. Jeosongabnida. I will do all the work again." She bowed and wiped her fake tears.

The teacher looked at her with pitiful eyes. "Gwenchana. You don't have to do it twice. Don't worry." She smiled genuinely. I think its because she is the only international student we have.

After the teacher left, Meera sighed in relied and happily hopped towards her class.

Everyone turned their eyes to the boys. They all seemed angry and unhappy. But one of them was angrier. He was fuming with revenge. He crushed the banana milk bottle he had in his hand and threw it in the corner.

Jaebum sunbae.

Flashback over

I wasn't able to concentrate on Yugyeom's homework coz she kept on distracting me. For a moment I felt someone's stares on me, I turned to look at Jaebum sunbae who was eyeing Meera while talking to the juniors, pointing at her. They nodded their heads and sat on the table next to ours.

My eyes darted towards Meera who was happily stuffing her face with food.

It hadn't been even two seconds when students started throwing raw eggs at Meera. Both of us flinched as she let go off her chopsticks.

Once she was covered in eggs the boys next to us stood up and poured flour on her. I looked at her with sympathy. I was about to help her when I saw Jinyoung sunbae slowly moving his head sideways indicating me to stay away.

Everyone was laughing. They all were enjoying the show presented to them by their beloved kingkas. Jerks!

"Ah!" Meera clutched her shirt and then hit her chest with her fist for a couple of times. We all eyed her in confusion. Her breaths became quicker and shallower.

She tried to get up but someone tripped her. She fell on her fours and soon lost her consciousness.

"Meera!" I ran to her and shook her shoulders. By the time everyone surrounded us. She didn't respond.

"Ah!" Her eyes opened for a moment but were closed instanly. Everyone stepped back when the boys came.

"Yah. Ireona." Jaebum sunbae kneeled in front of her and gently tapped her cheeks but she still didn't respond. Sunbae's face grew pale.

Without wasting anytime he picked her bridal style not minding the eggs and flour which were staining his clothes as well. He dashed towards the medical room.

He is the future heir of his company. He can't be known for this incident. I have heard that his father is really cruel. No wonder his face turned pale. He is a jerk and a playboy but that doesn't mean he would want to kill somebody.

Why am I becoming soft to him?

I ran next to him. I was worried sick for the girl who annoyed me for the past ten minutes.

Just as sunbae entered the room, I saw her opening her eyes briefly as she secretly winked at me.

Aish!! this girl!! She got me worried for nothing! I'll kill her myself!

After cleaning myself up I went to my classroom. The teacher excused me.

"Hae Ra, for the project, Bambam has requested to be your partner. Is it okay with you."

I looked him as he innocently looked at me. Player.

I nodded and sat back.

"My place." Bambam said and asked me to follow him. The school was over. We walked outside the school. Students are not allowed to commute with their private vehicles. But some of them park them near the school premises.

"Sit." He firmly ordered. I sat in the passenger seat and we drove off.

I don't feel good about this.


"How is she?"

I was outside the medical room waiting for the nurse.

"She is allergic to raw egg. Thats why she had difficulty in breathing. But she's alright now."

I sighed in relief and thanked her. She seemed a bit surprise with my sudden politeness.

"She needs to rest now. I wanted to call her father but she refused. So can you drop her?" She asked.

"Okay." I blankly said and sent some other student to fetch her bag. I stayed there till the school ended. I sat next to the bed where she was sleeping.

She snores loudly. I chuckled to myself.

When the last bell rung I led her to my car near the school.

"Wear this." I threw my spare jacket at her. I don't want my car to smell like eggs. "Okay." She smiled and wore it.

She is totally weird.

Before starting the engine I saw Hae Ra in Bambam's car. Out of instinct I texted Jinyoung.

Me: Hae Ra is with Bambam. And I have no idea why.

Jinyoung: Just leave her. She is a slut anyway.

I didn't mind it and continued driving.

"This car stinks!" She scrunched her nose.

"My car doesn't stink." I retorted.

"It's not your fault. I don't like airtight cars with leather seats. It suffocates me." She opened the window and rested her head on the sill. She looks really peaceful and mature like that.

We reacher her place. "Gumayo sunbae!" She got off the car and waved at me.

"Mianhae." I whispered softly. She might have died because of me. No one could have lived with that burden.

"Gwenchana~~" she replied and ran to the stairs of her apartment.

Who is she?

A/N: another update!!! woohoo!

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[Completed]Sweet Revenge-Ft. GOT7's Park Jinyoung Where stories live. Discover now