Chapter 9: Partying Gone Wrong

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Maddi's P.O.V

Honestly, the weirdest thing happened. After our crazy kitcen disaster, I sat in the seating room, and turned on the TV. Snuggling inside my house-coat, I browsed the channels, stopping at "The Price is Right!" All was going well, I mean this weird girl got on stage and blah, blah, blah. I just couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened earlier. There I was, always telling Heather to stop showing her feelings and all the sudden, I was staring at Louis like he was a freak because he touched my Zayn. Wait...WHAT? Great. Now I was even starting to call him "my" Zayn. I knew there had to be something between us though. While Heather and Lindsay were chatting, Zayn and I were in the other room, bored out of our minds, taking pictures. Zayn was very girly. He had 2 sets of brush kits and his room was a mess. He hugged me, and we chatted, and I couldn't stop staring into those deep hazel eyes. 

I watched on TV as the woman won a trip to Jamaica. Heather pounced onto the sofa. I knew something was up. 

"You like him, don't you? You know you don't have to hide things from me. It's not any pressure. Whatever happens to me should not interefere with our friendship."

My face was the same colour as my hair. RED. RED. RED. OMG.

"What the HELL! How the hell did you just find that out?!?! Whut is this? OMG. That must mean he knows too, and everybody else in this whole house!" I was freaked out.

"CALM DOWN MADDI. When you're friends with someone for such a long time, you kind of catch on, babe." She paused, her beautiful hair stringing infront her eyes. "Gosh, you're scary sometimes." 

I sighed, and lay down on the couch. "I don't know what to do. I really don't."

The boys, who had just gone for a walk, came back. 

I don't know how this idea popped into my head, but it did.

"Guys...we haven't gone out in a while. Let's go out....TO A CLUB!" I squealed. What is wrong with me...

Heather's P.O.V

And to the club we went. I really needed this. To get everything off my mind. I needed to just have fun again! 

"WOOHOO, COME ON BARBIE, LET'S GO PARTAY!" I shouted in the car.

Nial finished off for me - "Ooooh-whoa! Oooh-whoa! I'm a a barbie world...Life in plastic, it's fantastic!" 

Louis jumped in - "COME ON BARBIE, LET'S GO PARTY!" 

Pfft, I'd party with you anytime, Mr. KenLouis, I thought to myself with a giggle. 

Louis's cellphone rang, and he picked up. 

"Hey babe!" He waited for an answer, while smiling. "Yessss, sure! We're going to the club right now, come along! It's the NorthBridge Club Star" He made a funny face, trying to entertain us at the same time. A burst of snickers exploded from us. "Okay Eleanor, I love you too!" 

Yeah. I felt like jumping out of the car and rolling onto the road, off the highway, into the river...into the....okay. That was a bit exaggerated. 

Why was I supposed to care? Like whatever, right? I should move on by now...



But I couldn't. I just. CAN'T. 

Harry's P.O.V

We entered the club. I couldn't help but notice in the car that when Louis said that he loved Eleanor, Heather flinched a little. Not saying that she's in love with Louis...just that...I don't know what I'm trying to say. 

As we moved deeper into the club, hot, sweaty, bodies rubbed up against me, but I was only going after HER tonight. 

I sat down on the stools with Zayn, while the girls danced. I hadn't expected anything to the way it did. 

Alison's P.O.V

I don't get scared often, but tonight I was horrified! The five of us girls were just dancing and all the sudden, a group of scary guys walked towards us wfitly, circling around us. 

"Uh...Hi?" I said, seriously scared. I had no idea what was going on. 

They came closer, making me grab onto Heather's hand.

"Guys, let's go. We need to leave!" I paniced. 

"Where do you think you're going? We're not leaving you tonight. We just want to have" One eerily said, with a slur in his speech. 

Lindsay's P.O.V

It went like a blur. 

They advanced near us, and all the sudden, I was screaming out Niall's name, but he had already picked me up and ran, using my feet to kick them. 

Zayn grabbed onto Maddi's hand and pulled her out, while dodging a punch. 

Liam grabbed Alison and Jenna, who were slightly dazed.

Heather, I don't know where she was. I was just screaming and crying.

Niall hugged me trying to get me to shut up. I buried my head into his neck. I was fucking terrified.

Heather's P.O.V 

The others were already gone, and I was left. I tried calling out Louis's name, but nothing came out as I looked in his direction where he was dancing with Eleanor. 

He turned to look at me, his eyes widening in shock as the strange men headed for me. He ran for me, but Harry was touched my hands and heaved my entire body on his shoulder while running the hell away. 

HARRY was my saviour, not Louis, and it hurt. 

But I kind of liked Harry. He was so sweet, so kind. 

I still didn't understand what had happened. 

Louis was still paused in his position, a look of confusion and ... envy, I think, passed over his face. Weird shit, eh? 

He reached back for Eleanor. I looked away and hugged Harry. He was always there for me, even as we were younger. 

Louis's P.O.V

They were in trouble. I hadn't realized it at first, but as I saw Heather, I was alarmed. I ran towards her, but Harry had already taken her, showing off how strong he was. 

A sharp truth slapped me across the face as I realized that I kind of liked her, and it killed me that she was now hugging Harry. HARRY. My best friend. Almost my brother. 

I paused in my postition. I HAD A GIRLFRIEND. Eleanor was gorgeous. And I loved her. A lot. I was stupid for thinking about anyone else. 




I just really liked her though. What would I do?

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