Chapter 16: Bad Timings

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Heather's P. O. V

I woke up the next day, feeling worse. Hopefully nothing special would happen today, cause I wasn't up for it. I flipped over on my side just to find Louis's face an inch away from mine. His nose twitched, and maybe it was just reflex, but I bolted upright, screaming "PIKA PIKA!!!!" 

Just as I thought, Louis had a sneezing fit. "CHOO!" "CHOOOOO!" was all you could hear.

"I get it now...pika...chu....pikachu." Liam said stupidly, yet still managing to look absolutely adorable. Niall giggled in his sleep, which was usual, because he also chatted to himself while asleep. 

Louis' eyes fluttered open, and it hit me. He had to be sick as well! Ugh. WHY? That would mean he'd be moping around me. It's not that I don't like him, it's the complete opposite. I'd be clinging to him, and ugh... I'd gotten him sick. 

Maddi, who was texting on her phone, read my mind. 

"Louis. You're sick." She brushed her hair away from her face. "Go eat something warm." 

Louis groaned and rolled over. 

"My stomachhhh achessssssssssssssss..." 

Liam chimed in. "Brighten up! Exciting day today!"

Being sick was never exciting, I though glumly.

Liam's P.O.V

Danielle and Eleanor are coming over today! I made breakfast for everyone. Louis, Heather, and Niall stayed in bed. Hopefully Eleanor wouldn't be to bummed about Louis being sick, but I'm sure Louis would make an effort to make her happy. Harry must've already told Lou about today. 

I texted Danielle a short message. 


[Liam Payne : Heyy babe! When r u coming?]

[Danielle Peazer : Hi hun! Ele and I are on our way! We're like 2 minutes away from your hotel! You might need to come downstairs, to tell the receptionist.]

[Liam Payne : Mmk, I'll be there in two ;) Love u!]


Within two minutes, I took the elevator to the first floor. I was greeted by the receptionist, Anne. Danielle and Eleanor walked in through the doors, on time. 

"BABE!" She squealed, and jumped into my arms. Eleanor stood beside her, awkwardly. 

"Hey El! Let's go upstairs!" I nodded to Anne, who had already registered the fact that they were visitors. 

We walked into our room, and everyone stood there and for about five minutes, greetings were exchanged. 

"Where's Lou?" Eleanor asked, with her usual charm.

"Just walk straight into our bedroom. He's sick, sorry to say!" Harry replied. "We'll all be back from the pool - you can chill with Louis, Heather and Nialler"

Heather's P.O.V

Niall and Louis were getting bored, so I pulled over the laptop, and turned on a movie - Toy Story - because it seemed Liam had been on my laptop. Louis cheered, and Niall, out of nowhere, now had a bag of chips. I was sandwhiched between the two boys, and let me tell you, it's not comfortable for two hours! 

Louis had managed to somehow fall asleep on my chest,  which felt pretty awkward, since I was half-sitting-half-laying down. Niall was at his third bag of potato chips, and it didn't look like he was going to stop. I wrapped my arm around Louis, making sure not to get too comfortable, especially since Niall was around. 

And of course, if matter couldn't get worse, Eleanor HAD to walk right in. Why didn't she just toss me off a cliff? I had enough torture to begin with. 

"HI ELEAN....OR!" Niall say, between crunches. 

"Hey Eleanor! How are you?" I questioned, trying to shrug Louis off of me. I knew she noticed because she got this poisonous glare in her eyes. 

"I'm fine, how You look like you're.........comfortable." She said, with a sharp edge to her voice.

FUCK. I should just die now. Louis was stupid as fuck. He woke up from all my shaking, then looked straight at me, without noticing Eleanor. WAIT FOR IT. This is part that totally fucked everything over. WHY LOU? WHY?? -- He kissed my forehead and asked, "Heather, are you feeling a bit better now? Movies always help sicknesses..." 

My face turned a bright shade of red, and I pinched Louis  under the covers. He, looked over to Eleanor, and jumped the HELL  out of bed. To make things look even more iffy, he ran to her, and jumped into her arms. Louis kissed her, while Niall stuffed his face with chips, like it was a frickin' movie. I just...turned away.

"ELEANOR. I MISSED YOU. SO. SO. MUCH." He shouted. Gosh, he was NOT covering up well for that kiss he gave me. She obviously saw that, and at this moment, I felt like digging a knife into myself.

Eleanor hugged him back, and greeted him, pretending nothing was wrong. Yet, I somehow knew she was telepathically trying to kill me. 

"You know...I'll be back...I left my phone outside...." Eleanor said, hesitantly. She trailed out of the room, fists curled. Louis followed behind her, throwing an apologetic look to me. 

There was just a long, long, long, silence as they grew further and firther away from our room. I looked at Niall, and grabbed his hands.

"NIALL. SHIT. What do I do?" I asked, franticly.

"Potato?!?!" He whispered back. 

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