Chapter 15: A Case of One Direction Infection

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Louis's P.O.V

Rewind! Back to the couch, I was starting to get comfortable but Heather had her screaming fit, followed by a fountain of tears. Before I knew it, I was at her, making sure she was okay. I almost frickin' died when she pulled away from my touch, almost as though she didn't need me. Fast-forward! And of course, I, used that as an escuse to be closer to her. I held her hands, in public, not realizing what I had caused. I consoled her, and eveyone noticed. I understood this as soon as we got back home from the tour of Vancouver attractions. I went on Twitter on my mobile, hoping to tweet about our adventures. The trends. Ohmygosh. Dead. I crossed my fingers and hoped Heather wasn't anywhere near the computer. What was Eleanor going to say? SHIT. This was not going to end well! 

I raced through my thoughts. If I didn't post anything, people would assume that I wasn't online and hadn't seen the trends. Perhaps everyone would forget. Hopefully...

I woke up this morning, thinking about what to do. I had to TRY to stay away from her. But what if I couldn't? No, I knew I couldn't. How did I awake this morning? Hugging Heather. I couldn't even stay away from her in my sleep, and that bothered me.

Heather's P.O.V

I woke up this morning, to find Louis's arms wrapped around me. Niall had made it his mission to make me uncomfortable and throw his legs on top of me, followed by Maddi. Ugh, I hated the middle! 

My morning was already off to a bad start. I tried to get out of bed, but I felt this warm feeling rush over me. No, not nice warm. It was a scorching heat. My temples crashed a crazy beat, and my nose  felt stuffy. GOSH. NO. Nonononono. How could I be sick on a vacation? 

Maddi was the first to notice. She had somehow crawled over Niall, despite Lindsay's protests, and put her hand on my forehand. 

"Heather! Your face is super-hot and your nose is an ugly shade of red. I'm assuming you feel as crappy as you look?" She questioned. "I believe you are sick." She continued, with an annoying matter-of-fact tone.  Zayn smirked and tried to hide his face with his phone. Pathetic. 

"Ugh, perhaps I am. Hope I don't make anyone sick with me!" I replied. FRIG. WHAT THE. My voice sounded mangled. Niall, who was still buried under Maddi, sneezed. 

"OMGOMG HEATHER. I'M SICK TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. HIGH-FIVE!" Niall tried to say, his voice muffled. 

Lindsay sat upright, like a terrified cat. "WHAT? My baby is SICK? NIALL! What would you like me to bring?"

"Hahaaa yeeee, I love being sickkk!" Niall blurted out, his voice sounding choked, like my voice.

Louis woke up, rattled by the noise. Harry shifted in his sleep.

"Fill me in? What happened?" He asked, groggily. His hair lay in a crazy mess, which I found was adorable. Maddi told him, and Louis shot me a concerned, alarmed look.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" I manage to say. I can't even look him in the eye properly without thinking of my very, awkward, fantasy, dream.

 And despite my protests, Louis and Maddi were bent on tending me. Lindsay and Niall had resorted to Liam's private twitcam-ing room. Harry and Jenna lay in bed, playing Temple Run. 

Liam's P.O.V

After my billionth twitcam, I decided to go call Danielle, my fantastic girlfriend. Niall sat beside me, Lindsay on his lap. 

"Danielle, good morning! Love, how are you!? I miss you so much!" I said, sincerely. I truly did miss my sweetheart.

"Babe! Hiiii!! I'm doing well! I miss you so much as well! Haven't seen you in ages!" She replied. 

I did want to see her. Besides, Eleanor had decided to come with Danielle to Vancouver while we were here, so why shouldn't they come over! That would be brilliant! "Hey, why don't you come over tomorrow? We'll just chill! El can come over as well!" I paused, with a laugh. "That rhymed." 

"Definitely! I'll come over early! Really want to spend time with you! Love you, I have to leave!" 

"Bye,  curly-haired weirdo!" I answered, which threw Niall into a fit of giggles.

I slumped off my chair and walked outside, bumping into Harry. 

"Oh hey! Can you tell Lou that El and Danielle are coming over tomorrow! I'm too lazy to find him..." I told, with a half smile. 

Harry's smile wore off. He bit his lip, and he sighed a little, almost as though he was in thought. " Louis would...............LOVE.......that, I'm sure..." 

I raised an eyebrow and went back into my room, confused. Allison joined me for yet another Twitcam. 

Harry's P.O.V

I spent most of the day with Jenna, trying to "clean" our hotel room, which had developed into quite a mess overtime. By "cleaning" I meant sharing jokes, laughing, telling stories. My fans would be surprised I wasn't falling for an 80-year-old. Surprise, surprise!  

While talking to her, I realized how shitty this vacation probably was for Heather. First off, Eleanor was coming. Second, she was sick, and third, she thought that Louis didn't like her. It was none of my business, but I had to try to make things better for her. 

The day passed by in a breeze. Bowls of soup sent to Niall were devoured within seconds, while Heather made faces of disgust at her own bowl. 

I prayed tomorrow would be okay. Besides, I could make this fun for everyone! Maybe we could watch a movie or something. Yes....

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