Chapter 10: Mixed Emotions

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Heather's P.O.V

After the incident, we'd rushed home. This vacation was barely a vacation and more like a horrible fail. 

"It all right. At least we tried to have fun." Niall said, in his sexy Irish accent while holding Lindsay close by him. She was terrified, still and had her head burried in his chest.

I wasn't scared, just hurt. Then I realized how stupid I was. I couldn't believe that I had taken Harry for granted all along. He'd been there for me, every step of my life, but I'd never gave him a glance. He was a sweetheart, but I felt like he was my brother, not the same love I felt for Louis.

I held onto Harry anyway. He was the only thing I had right now anyway. I didn't want to bother Maddi all the time with my problems, and sometimes, when I just held Harry, I could feel myself forgetting everything. 

Night came by swiftly, and by the end of the day, I was dead tired. 

"I love how ever since I said on the first day that we'd have a sleepover in the same bed, we've been doing so each day. Makes me feels so warm..." Niall chirped with a grin. 

"DAMN IT GUYS, it's freezing in this house! Dibs on the middle!" Harry yelled. 

"Good - Heather will be right beside you, cause we need to squish her in order for her not to flop around the bed like an idiot." Lindsay said, snickering. 

I glared at her, but got into bed wordlessly. 

"Going to bed half-naked for the win!" Harry cackled and slid into bed with only his boxers on. Damn, that was attractive. I couldn't help but smile a little.

Niall turned the lights out, and lay down quietly beside Lindsay. Jenna, Maddi and Alison lay with Zayn, Liam and Louis. It bothered me that Louis hadn't even been worried about me.

I fell asleep to the pain of my emotions, somehow. It would never be okay for me.

-------- In the Morning ------ 

I opened one eye in the morning, all to be blinded my the sunlight. I tried to squarm, but I was too warm in .... HARRY'S  ARMS?!?! 

I felt Harry all over me, and I was strangely sprawled onto him. His legs were piled onto mine, and my face was snuggled warm in Harry's neck. His hands were in my hair and his chin rested on my head. Our hands lay tied around each other like a tight hug. I didn't want to let go of him anymore. I KNEW I felt more for him, but I just kept denying it. 

I kissed Harry's neck, as a good morning call. 

"Time to  wake up, babe, we have band practise soon." I whispered into his ear, trying not to move to much. I moved my nose across his soft, smooth skin. My heart raced faster than before, and as I moved, I heard Louis exhale sharply. Louis must have funny breathing issues, then.....

Harry stirred. " I don't want to get up..." He paused to give me a quick peck on my forehead.  "Five more minutes? You've made me too comfortable, now I can't get up." 

 Louis's P.O.V

I almost felt as though I had swallowed a cup full of toxic chemicals. It's the way they lay, Harry and Heather. I couldn't handle it. She wasn't supposed to be his. I wanted to be with her so badly, and I had almost lost all love for Eleanor everytime I thought of Heather. I wasn't supposed to be like this!

I clutched the sheets and tried to breath deeply and normally as she cuddled Harry. I prayed she hadn't noticed my awkward breathing. I flipped around, trying to ignore them. I then realized, I had to separate them. I approached the situation with humour, because that was the only thing I could do.

"GET OFF MY MAN, HEATHER!" I screeched - Yes, Harry and I did have a bit of bromance, which was a perfect escuse. "NOW, NOW, NOW. HARRY, STOP CHEATING ON ME!"

Heather and Harry roared into fits of laughter, but Heather clutched on. 

"HE'S MINE!" She squeeled. I attacked her by tickling. Thank goodness! She was ticklish! Her face turned into an adorable shade of pink and I couldn't stop staring. Without even knowing, she had put a smile on my face. She curled up on my lap, laughing until I stopped. 

"OHMYGOSH LOUIS, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" She  shrieked, as she chased after me. I liked it this way. I wanted to hug her and be the one to make her smile. 

"Don't leave me love!" Harry said with his morning voice. 

Harry's P.O.V

I knew she had enjoyed every bit of that night as I did. I almost died as she kissed me awake, her perfect, beautiful voice replayed in my head.

I couldn't explain the way I felt when I woke up. I had her in a bear hug, and she had me in her heart. I couldn't help my glide my hands through her stunning golden-brown hair. She was unique, unlike anyone I'd ever met. 

Louis ruined all of it though, and pulled her away. 

I need her so much. Words can't explain how much I want her. 

Heather's P.O.V

I keep saying it over and over again to myself. I was stupid and crazy. Not had I fallen in love with two of my best-friends, but I couldn't choose between them.

As Louis had tickled me, I wanted to be in his arms forever, yet I knew it wouldn't and couldn't happen. Maybe, we just weren't meant to be. But I loved him all the same.

Lindsay's P.O.V 

I finally knew it. Niall did like me, he had to. The way he had saved me in the club, how he lay next to me in bed - and then it hit me - Niall ALWAYS chose to sleep next to me when we went to bed. I wanted to tell him that I liked him. Somewhere nice, and calm. The park...

YES, the park it is! 

I could even talk to Heather about what was going on at the same time! I mean, I knew she had something for Harry, and the whole Louis business was really starting to confuse me. Maybe I was just being delusional. 

I had to somehow introduce the park idea to everyone without making it too obvious that I was up to something. I couldn't wait! Niall was finally going to be mine!




I shouldn't get my hopes up though. What if he said no to me? What if he never liked me in the first place?? 

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