Reassuring kiss

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"Come on Kyoya , you weigh a ton, I'm begging you to get off me." You whined.

Hibari leaned in closer to , putting more force on you.

"You are so doing this on purpose aren't you? "I said you asked trying to wiggle out of his grip.

Hibari's face was now inches from yours , so close that you could hear his breathing clearly.

"I was honestly joking ..." you said softly , becoming conscious of how close both of you were.

"Well I didn't like the joke." Hibari said with a serious ,solemn face.

"Well you never liked much of my jokes to begin with.." you said as you started to stretch trying to pretend that you were getting comfortable in your current position.

" No it's because you talk about leaving me..." Hibari said with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Now you felt bad, you stopped whatever you were doing and looked into Hibari's eyes. For one time in a long time you saw insecurity . Kyoya's really afraid that I might leave him...

you cupped Hibari's cheek making him jump a little as he stared at you, you gave off a small smile .

"Gomen na Kyoya kun, I didn't think you'd take this so seriously..." you said apologetically .

Hibari adverted his gaze once again, he felt so vulnerable in front of you, he never meant to show so much weakness to anyone especially you, he wanted you to feel secure and safe when you were around him , but he Couldn't help it when he was around you.

You bit your lower lip looking at the troubled Hibari Kyoya , this is so going to boost his ego. You wrapped your hands around Hibari's neck causing him to flinch and stared at you wide eyed. then you pulled his head down and lifted your giving him a peck on the lips .

Once you let go, Hibari stared at you with a faint blush on both of your cheeks. A small Smile started to form on his lips, he was surprised at first since he was always the one initiating intimate contact with you but this time was the first time you kissed him on your own accord and that took him by surprise most importantly , it made him happy.

You were relieved to see Hibari smiling, this should be a good sign you thought to yourself.

"Was that reassuring enough?" you asked playfully.

Hibari smiled as he leaned closer to you. Whispering in your ear,

"I think I still need some convincing ."

Suddenly the sliding door creaked open revealing Tetsuya with his face buried in documents.

"Kyo sa...." Tetsuya started to blush after looking up from his documents, realizing what he had interrupted.

Hibari growled in annoyance slowly getting off you. You smiled still lying on the floor as you greeted Tetsuya ,

"Hey Tetsuya kun!"

Tetsuya gave you a curt nod , "good to see that you're back Uchiha chan." he said gulping.

"This better be important .." Hibari growled as he made his way to the door. You sat up smiling as you thought, saved by Tetsuya.

"We will continue this conversation later." Hibari said as he turned back smirking at you.

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