Mystery man

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The Vongola family were all present in the meeting room at the Vongola HQ, they waited in anticipation to see why Reborn had summoned for them so urgently.

"This better be important...' Lambo said casually as he placed his feet on the table, making himself comfortable.
There was chattering among everyone as they wondered what this last minute meeting could be about.
"You don't think (y/n) chan was hurt during her mission do you? she's been gone for a week now ..." Chrome asked worried.
Ipin patted chrome on the back, giving her a reassuring smile.

"I'm sure (y/n) chan is fine." Tsuna said smiling, "She's always been a tough girl." Gokudera nodded in agreement with his boss. Suddenly, the door creaked open, revealing Reborn sitting on a shoulder of a tall, black haired individual, with long hair in a traditional Chinese, Kungfu suit who looked like....well... Hibari...

"Ciaosu~" Reborn said as he and the mystery man made their way to the front of the meeting room."EH Hibari why are you dressed like that?!" Ryohei asked shocked by what his best friend was wearing.
"That isn't me ..." Hibari said as he appeared at the door, raising an eyebrow as he stared at his look alike. Hibari walked to the corner of the meeting room , he didn't want to be near a crowd, ever since you left for the mission, Hibari has been a little moody and engulfed by his own stress.

Ipin stared at the male in front of her in disbelieve, " Master?!" She finally yelled as she stood up from her seat. Everyone's eyes grew wide staring at the male before them, "When you say master, you don't mean the Acrabaleno do you?" Yamamoto asked as he stared at Ipin in shock.

Fong smiled as Reborn hopped onto the meeting table , signaling for Fong to introduce himself,
"你好(ni Hao) I'm acrabaleno Fong." Fong said as he bowed, "it's good to see you too Ipin." he said as he turned to Ipin's direction giving her a small smile and a nod.

"But you're so  well... big..." Ryohei said as he leaned back into his seat. Gokudera gazed at the Acrabaleno in front of him as he spoke, "What happened Fong san?" Fong was about to answer but the door creaked open once again. You stood at the door, you rubbed your eyes, exhausted from the mission, you had a few cuts and bruises bandaged up.

"(y/n) chan!" Almost everyone in the room exclaimed glad to see you. This caused you to look up, into the room. You scanned the room glad to see everyone was alright, "yo mina sa....." You stared at the male in front of the meeting room who was smiling, you were too shock to complete your sentence.

You blinked a few times thinking that maybe you were too exhausted from the mission and that you were hallucinating. His still there.... He looks like... Fong...or Hibari.... wait I saw Hibari at the corner of the room.... And this guy is well big...

You closed the door pinching the bridge of your nose, man maybe it's an illusion...

Everyone in the room sweat dropped at your reaction but paid close attention to you when you opened the door for the second time staring at everyone.

"Maybe I should go to the infirmary to get my eyes checked....I think I'm either seeing double or imagining someone there..." You said sighing which made everyone burst into laughter.

....................................................................................................................................................................................你好(ni Hao)- means-  a casual way of saying or asking how are you? in chinese

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