Chibi (y/n)

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"Alright then, (y/n) chan , this is Hibari Kyoya, He'll be taking taking care of you. " Fong said as he patted you on the head as he made his way to his room to do some meditation. Hibari placed you on the floor and kneeled down staring at you. You bit your lower lips , nervous since you've never met Hibari yet. Hibari felt a small faint blush spreading across his face as he stared at you, (y/n) was this cute when she was younger? Hibari thought to himself.

"Eto, how do I address you ?" You asked tilting your head causing Hibari to clench his jaw nervously. "My name is Hibari Kyoya but just call me Kyoya ..." You nodded eagerly as you smiled. Hibari immediately took the lead to go back to his room with you following him from behind. Hibari couldn't help it, when he saw you smile his heart throbbed and began to beat even faster. It seemed really weird since you were only 7 years old.You walked as fast as your short legs could bring you, Kyoya onii san sure has long legs, you thought to yourself as you ran towards him grabbing his finger with whole hand.

Hibari came to a halt as he stared at you , "Kyoya walk I have problem keeping up.." You said phanting between breaths. Hibari stared at how you held his hand began to blush . I've never found a child this cute before....

"Why don't I carry you? but In return call me Kyoya kun, no onii san, alright?" You nodded as you rubbed your eyes, you were too tired trying to keep up with Kyoya . Once Hibari brought you into his arms, you wrapped your hands around his neck and lay your head on his shoulder as you began to doze off. This earned you a small blush and smile from Hibari who seemed to be enjoying the rest of the walk back to his room.

When you woke up, you were lying on Hibari's bed as he sat at his desk doing his work. You rubbed your eyes trying to get a better view of Kyoya. He looks a lot like Fong kun... You thought to yourself as you got out of bed. Then you got an idea, I should try to scare Kyoya kun since he is all stressed up now, with that thought you slowly and quietly made your way towards Hibari.

"Kyoya kun! Kyoya kun!" You shouted from behind him. Hibari smiled as he stopped typing on his laptop, he chuckled to himself when he heard your cute, chibi voice . She's awake already huh. Once he turned around to look at you, You stood in front of him ,

"Rawrrr~~!" you tried to exclaim. Hibari stared at you blinking for a minute as heat rushed up to his face. Within seconds he embraced you into a big tight hug as he blushed. He couldn't manage the kind of emotion that was flooding his mind, all he knew was that he found you really cute.

"Were you scared?" You asked causing Hibari to reluctantly pull away, gazing at you. A small smile formed on his lips as he nodded, stroking your cheeks. She never fails to make me smile, regardless of what age she's in..

You smiled at Hibari who blushed profusely. Why? One, he couldn't handle how cute you were. Two, you made his heart throb yet again but you were only a 7 year old girl. Three, he was having dirty thoughts of you, well kissing you right there and right now which was dirty considering that you were only 7.

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