If I can't have you, no one can

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Memories of Kyoya started flooding your mind.

How you first met

"Stay behind me."Hibari said in a whisper before he rushed into battle,
"Kamikorosu..." Hibari growled as he went into battle.



Hibari lying on the floor and you lying on top of him. You used your hands to lift yourself up only to have yourself come face to face with Hibari, both of you gazing into one anothers eyes.


When he confessed

Hibari leaned closer to you as he spoke, "Well you could repay me back .... by staying here by my side forever..." Hibari said as he kissed you , a warm and enchanting kiss flooded with one emotion, affection.


How he teases you

"Now go and change." you said once you got his clothing out of the wardrobe ready to pass it to him .You turned only to see Hibari seated on his bed unbuttoning his shirt.
"What are you doing?!" you asked as you started to blush.
Hibari smiled amused as he stared at you," you told me to change now didn't you?"
You adverted your gaze from him ,"I meant go to the bathroom and get changed not doing it in front of me!" you said throwing the clothing at Hibari . He removed the clothing from his head as he stood up.

"There's nothing to be shy about (y/n) chan ." he said teasingly as he made his way to the bathroom.


How can I break up with Kyoya? He has been there for me all the time... But I owe him a favour... If that's what he wants...

You sighed and took a deep breath in , opening your eyes to see that Hibari was on the ground, kneeling down in front of you, eyes filled with so much concern. "(y/n) chan, Don't scare me, You know my heart can't bear to see you cry..."

Hibari still cares...

"Gomen Kyoya kun... I know I owe you a favour but I can't ...." You said as tears trickled down your cheeks. Hibari's hands immediately cupped your cheeks using his thumb to wipe off your tears. He stared at you with concern and what seemed like confusion.

"I just always thought you had dreamt of the day..." But Hibari's words were cut off when you hugged him by the neck, sonning in his shoulder, " Don't ever say that!! I never wanted to break up with you..' You said, as your voice trailed off.

Hibari tensed up , but embraced you back, patting your head, he was utterly confused and lost. then it hit him. Hibari started to chuckle as he pulled you away from him so that both of you met eye to eye. " Who said anything about breaking up?" You looked at him confused.

"I wasn't done with my sentence...." Hibari said as he carried you up to the edge of the bed, setting you down on the bed. " I was going to say... How about being my ex-girlfriend.... And be my current wife?" Hibari said as he knelt in front of you, as if on cue Hibird flew onto your lap with a ring in his mouth.

You gasps , you couldn't believe what was happening. Hibari took the ring wearing it on your finger for you. Hibari then smirked taking advantage of your shock ,pinning you onto the bed, gazing at you with affection and amusement in his eyes. " I wouldn't break up with you and give you a chance to run loose. You belong to me and me only. " He said leaning down.

"If I can't have you, no one can.." With that said Hibari enchanted you into a kiss. A long and intense kiss, your tongues played with each other's , Hibari as usual dominating the kiss . When he finally pulled away ,he stared at you , cupping your cheek,
"(Y/n) chan be mine and mine only..."


Hey readers! I hope you guys enjoyed the story!

Thanks for reading and voting/favouriting my story. 

I have other KHR stories if you guys want to read more:)

I'm open to request to wriye stories for you all, doesn't need to be KHR as long as I'm familiar with the anime/manga  I'll be honoured to write them for you :)

Sankyu minsan!!

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