The river

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Hibari and you were both walking through the forest where a citizens complained that there were unknown threats, one family even came begging you two to help ind their son who hasn't returned home for a day .

"Wonder what kind of enemy they are..." you said as both of you walked through the forest.

Hibari shrugged ," Doesn't matter, once we find them they're dead, same as every other enemy.."

You tilted your head to look at Hibari and smiled, he turned to face you lifting an eyebrow in confusion.

"You seem more agitated today." you said with an amused face. Hibari sighed as he replied with a little bit of dreading in his voice, "Why wouldn't I be? Today was suppose to be an off day ...."Hibari said with disappointment clouding his eyes .

"That's true, I wanted to spend the day with Fong to improve my combat skills..."

"Spend the day with Fong?" Hibari asked with a little annoyance in his voice.

You laughed as you replied," I was joking, besides for all you know you'd be doing more research on those box weapons of yours ." you said casually. Hibari smiled as he extended his hand saying, " True but then again, I'd give that up to spend a day with you." You smiled and extended your hand, about to hold his hand when suddenly .

An explosive weapon dropped between both of you.

"Watch out!" Hibari shouted as both of you dodged in opposite directions away from the explosion. Resulting in both of you being split up.

"Kyoya?" you said as you stood up coughing looking around, You found yourself near one of the high current rivers in the forest. A small figure ran towards you hugging you.

"Onee chan please save me, there are men with swords after me!"the little boy wailed. You smiled gently as you hugged the boy giving him a reassuring smile when you pulled away,

"Don't worry little guy, I came here to find you, here !" you extended your hand, "will you work together with me so both of us can get out of here?" the boy stared at you for a moment before smiling as he shook your hand, nodding profusely.

"You're pretty good with children..." an unknown voice said as he laughed.

"Stay behind me." you said strictly to a

Little kid who was cowering behind you. You drew your sword ready to go into battle.

"So you're the famous Uchiha of the Vongola family , this should be quite interesting ." your opponent said as he emerged from the shadows, smiling . the little boy behind you started to whimper in fear.

"Let's not waste anymore time, Dance, yuki no kensho!" you shouted as your sword Formed a blue ice flame.

The enemy smiled and charged towards you "sweep them away, hurricane wind!"

Just as his attack dissipated, your sword came on contact with his freezing the sword , preventing his attack from causing further damage. However in the process your left arm was slashed by the wind blades that came bombarding at you.

"TSk, shimata." you muttered softly to yourself.

Before the enemy could react , you slashed him on the leg causing his leg to freeze, as he fell to the ground screaming in agony.

"Wah!!! I can't swim!!!" the little boy cried as he was in the river, being swept away by the current. you stared wide eyes as you scattered to your feet. The wind attack must have blown him into the river..

"Taskete! onee chan!!!"

____________________________ shimata -means- a way of saying "oh shit"

_taskete -means- help me

Hey Mina San ! Gomen I don't think I write very well when it comes to fighting scenes ;( but I hope you all liked the story :)

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