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[Louis y Harry están grabando, ambos con ukuleles y un micrófono grabándolos a los dos]

LOUIS: (comienza a tocar el ukelele, mirando atentamente el instrumento, tratando de seguir el ritmo, sus piernas apoyadas en el regazo de Harry, recargando su espalda en la pared de la habitación)

HARRY: (sentado a su lado en el sillón, tocando su ukelele, mirando a Louis con una pequeña sonrisa)

LOUIS: (comienza a cantar) A long, long time ago there was a volcano. Living all alone, in the middle of the sea. He sat high above his bay watching all the couples play and wishing that, he had someone too. (mira a Harry, sonríe)

HARRY: (se sonroja, baja su mirada su ukelele, sin dejar de tocar)

LOUIS: And from his lava came, this song of hope that he sang out loud everyday, for years and years. (cantando, moviendo un poco su cabeza)

HARRY: (mueve la cabeza al ritmo al igual que Louis, sin dejar de tocar el instrumento)

LOUIS: I have a dream, I hope will come true. That you're here with me, and I'm here with you (mira a Harry, cantando) I wish that the earth, sea, the sky up above. Will send me someone to lava.

HARRY: (sonriente, mirando los ojos de Louis, sonrojándose mucho, comienza a tocar más lento al igual que Louis)

LOUIS: (suspira, recarga su cabeza en el sillón, mirando a Harry) Years of singing all alone, turned his lava into stone. Until, he was on the brink of extinction.

HARRY: (mira su ukelele, comienza a cantar) But little did he know, that living in the sea below. Another volcano was listening to his song.

LOUIS: (muerde su labio inferior, sonriente, baja su mirada)

HARRY: Everyday she heard his tune, her lava grew and grew. Because, she believed, his song was meant for her (mira a Louis) Now she was so ready to meet him above the sea. As he sang his song of hope for the last time.

LOUIS: (mira a Harry, suspira, se sonroja)

HARRY: I have a dream, I hope will come true. That you're here with me, and I'm here with you. I wish that the earth, sea, the sky up above. Will send me someone to lava.

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