Chapter 8- Twenty Questions

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I look over the banister before descending the staircase to see if the family is there; luckily they aren’t there yet. Taking a deep breath I carefully walk down the stairs with Nana at my heels. “You’re going to do fine, dearie.” She says softly. I thank her before walking in the direction where Nana pointed. As I walk my shoes softly click-clack across the checkered floor; the sound ricocheting off the quiet white walls.

Finally I arrive at the place where they eat called, the dining room. They all stop and look at me. Mrs. Darling is the first to speak, “Don’t you look wonderful.” She places a hand on her cheek before turning, “Don’t you think so, George? She’s glowing a little,” her voice begins to be a little dreamy. “As if fairylike, like out of a story.” She says before catching herself, “Oh! What am I talking about?” she brushes it off. “Please have a seat.” She says. I stare at the table unsure where to sit. “Oh, George where should she sit?” Mrs. Darling asks. Looking at the paper he mumbles while turning the page, “Oh, put ‘er next to John or the other.” He clears his throat. Wendy’s eyes widen, “But, Father I’m sitting next to John.” Flipping the page, “Well, then sit next to, uh,” he peeks over, “Michael.” He says. “But, Father!” she says. “Wendy!” Mrs. Darling raises her voice. “You heard your father, please go sit next to Michael.” She says. Not seeing the big deal I say, “It’s okay, Mrs. Darling. I don’t mind sitting next to Michael.” I carefully walk over and sit next to Michael. Sitting down we wait for our food to be served. 

Once the steaming plates arrive, a drink is poured into our small cups. I watch the steam roll off of them. John carefully watches my eyes trail the steam into the air. Curious I stare at the light brown liquid in the cup. I look at the family to see what to do. John catching my attention carefully blows off the liquid. Copying, I do the same. He cautiously takes a sip and so do I. Ugh, this is gross. I guess my face must’ve shown my reaction as I swallow, because I catch John suppressing a smile by putting the cup up to his lips. “Guest,” Mrs. Darling sets her cup daintily down onto the table. “Do you have any family in the area?” she asks. My mind runs back to the man in the red coat I had seen earlier, “Um, no ma’am.” I say mimicking her. “Are you from England?” she presses. “My, my, excuse me.” She smiles. “I do mean to ask, where are you from?” She says resting her chin on her hands beneath her chin. “Somewhere,” I fall a little short. “Somewhere, far away from here.” I say slightly sure of myself. She chuckles a little, “Now, where might that be?” she asks. “The Americas?” she says. “Maybe,” my voice trails off as my mind wanders to visions of heat, sunlight, dense trees, and water with mysterious looking creatures with tails sparkling against the sun. Shaking my head I reunite with the family, “I’m sorry. What was that?” I ask. “I said how old are you?” she asks. “Sixteen.” I say automatically. “Do you go to school with Wendy and John?” Mrs. Darling asks. “No,” I say. “Do you have anywhere to stay for the moment?” she asks. “No,” I say again. Playing with the broach upon her neck and dashing her eyes off quickly at George Darling she says, “Would you like to stay with us?” Feeling the warmth of her hand sink into mine as well as the silence of the room deepening, “Yes,” I say. A smile spreading across her face, “George, please tell Nana to set another room here ready for our guest, and to arrange an appointment for us to go shopping.”

English Ronnie (sequel to CHD)Where stories live. Discover now