Chapter 10-Say, No to That Dress

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Mrs. Darling, Wendy, and I are about to exit the house when we hear a pair of footsteps thundering down the stairs. “Wait!” John says throwing his coat on. “John,” Mrs. Darling turns around tightening her bonnet as Wendy walks out into the warm light of the sun onto the cobblestone streets. “Where do you think you’re going?” she asks calmly. “I would like to go with you ladies.” He says fitting his jacket. Scoffing turning around Wendy says, “John wants to go shopping with us? Sure.” She shakes her head her dark blonde curls moving. “Now Wendy, that’s very unladylike.” She says. “What, makes you want to come, dear?” she says. Shifting his glasses he says, “The fresh air.” He says. Wendy hisses under her breath, “Liar.”

As we walk the walking things begin to get more and more packed with people. “Welcome to London.” Mrs. Darling says with a smile on her face. Lined up, down, and between walking things are shops upon shops, upon shops. In awe I watch people mill between the crowded walking things. “Come along children.” Mrs. Darling leads us through the throngs of people, occasionally bumping into one person or the other. We finally arrive at a shop. In the window are...dresses; rows and rows of dresses. I cringe a little at the thing Wendy had given me on the first day I was at the Darling household. Opening the door Mrs. Darling leads us into the small shop. As soon as we enter, Wendy rushes over to a pretty light blue dress, “Mother, may I have this dress!” she pleads. “No, Wendy we are here for our guest.” She says not looking at her. “Go on, and take a look around.” Mrs. Darling nudges me further into the shop.

Along the rows, I drag my hand across the dresses; the fabric running beneath my fingers. I stop at a green dress. Looking at it I let it slip through my fingers, letting it fall back with the rest. “You like any so far, darling?” a warm voice asks. “Yes, ma’am.” I say turning to her. “Good, Wendy and I’ve picked some that we thought you might look good in. Would you like to bring one to try on as well?” Mrs. Darling asks. Quickly looking back at the red dress I tell her no. “Well, than follow me.” She says. Something about the color draws me to it. Brushing the feeling aside with a swish of my hair, I follow Mrs. Darling to the back of the shop. 

I put on the first dress in the pile. I look at myself in the mirror, which has to be the most hideous thing I’ve ever seen. Stepping out of the changing room, I wait for their opinions. The first one to speak is Wendy, “I picked that one out!” she squeals with a devious look in her eyes. John doesn’t utter a word though his face says it all. “Maybe not that one.” Mrs. Darling says. “Agreed.” I nod before stiffly turning back into the room. 

After trying on various dresses, I am left with three that I like so far. Facing the small bunch of fabric on the stool beside me, I shut my eyes and pick one. Opening them, a light yellow dress is in my hands. My breath sucks in at the sight of it. 

I open the door to Mary, Wendy, and John. 

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