Chapter 6- The Darlings

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I stand outside of the Darling household in John's old clothes now covered in dirt. I look up at John in the nursery's window. He gives me a thumbs up; I smile and give the thumbs up back. We look at each other for a while, me looking at him and him looking at me. The trance is broken when; John looks over his shoulder as if someone called him. Over his shoulder he says, "I do not! Wendy if--" he says shutting the window closed. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. I pull out the extra cap that John found and hold it loosely in front of me. The door whips open revealing the Darlings; George Darling and Mary Darling; apparently these are their names other than Mother and Father, Wendy, John, and Michael. "Oh!" Mrs. Darling says when she sees my appearance. "Hello, I was just looking for something to eat, do you have any to spare?" I say putting on my best sad face. Mrs. Darling looked at Mr. Darling with a motherly look. "I don't think we have enou-" Wendy says smiling when, John elbows her. "I'm sure we have some to spare. Don't we, George?" Mary Darling says clutching her broach on her chest. "I'm sure." He says. "Nana! Set another place at the table tonight!" He shouts back over his black suited shoulder. "George? He can stay the night, right?" Mary says. "It's she." I say as Wendy snickers in her hand. "Oh my goodness. I'm sorry, but why on Earth are you in boy's clothing?" Mrs. Darling says. "They were the only ones that I could find." I say unsure. "Dear, why don't you come in and we'll get you some clothing." Mrs. Darling says as she takes me by the shoulder and leads me into the house. I am in awe as I step inside; this is the first time I've been outside of the nursery. A giant lamp hangs from the ceiling, glinting off of whatever insides it. It reminds me of...something, I mean of someone, maybe. Pushing aside the thought I look at the beautiful ceiling, the plush carpet and shiny checkered solid floor. My jaw is put back where it's supposed to be when Mary Darling says, "Wendy, fetch one of your dresses for this girl." I cringe when she calls me girl. "Are you okay?" she asks. "Yes." I say softly as Wendy stomps up the stairs. As she passes John she says, "This was not part of the deal, John." Michael says into Mr. Snuggles, "That's not very nice, Wendy." Turning around Ms. Darling asks, "What was that, Michael?" Startled, Michael looks up from Mr. Snuggles, "Nothing, mother." And he scampers away. "George, please tell Nana about our guest." She says. "Girl, follow me we'll get you cleaned up." Mary Darling says leading me up the stairs. "Excuse me for calling you girl, what did you say your name was?" she says looking at me as we climb the curving staircase. "She didn't." John says right on my heels. "She can speak for herself, John." She says. "What is your name?" she asks. "Um, uh." I start not sure what to say. I look at John for help, but he's not paying attention. A name plays across my tongue when, I finally spit it out, "Ronnie." I say. She laughs, "That can't be your name, sweetheart, that is a boy's name. What is your name?" she asks again. "Well, uh." I begin when Wendy comes to us tossing a dress. John catches it, "Wendy!" Mrs. Darling says. "Please something that is fitting and not for a five year old, girl." Grumbling Wendy snatches the dress from John's hands and storms back to the nursery. We arrive at a door. "John, if you'll excuse us please." Mary says. "Oh, sorry." He says blushing a little adjusts his glasses and walks away. Turning to me, "Nana, will meet you here shortly and we'll let you get dressed." She says before opening the door to the room. The door reveals a...I guess I looked a little confused, "This is the bathroom. Where we bathe." She says. No wonder John blushed. 

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