Chapter 4- Good Morning!

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I wake up to fabric brushing my face; I immediately snuggle into more feeling a feeling of remembrance. "Hey," a little groggy voice says. "Share the blanket Mr. Snuggles." I creak open my eyes to mop of dark golden blonde hair peeking atop the blanket. I stretch my limbs feeling the familiar tingle that I felt in my arm the night before. I watch it as it is met with a little shaft of sunlight. "Good morning, ugly." My head turns to the voice that belongs to Wendy. "You may have got my brother's odd brain to believe this little game you're playing is real but, you're not fooling me." She says with her arms crossed from her bed in the corner before tossing me a clump of fabric. "What is this?" I ask unfolding the clump revealing a something with two arms and place for your head with a giant hole at the bottom. "A dress." She says crossing the threshold opening the door. "And John said I was the dunce." She mutters as she closes the door. I slide my feet over the edge of the bed. I flip the dress a few times trying to figure out how to put this thing on. Where are the darn leg holes for this thing?! "Do you need help?" a little voice says. I nod. Michael hops off the bed in his light red onesie. "I thought so." He trots over to the dresser I had not seen earlier. "Mother saves all of John's old clothes in here for me. But since I won't fit them for a while you can wear them for now. Just don't get them dirty." He hands me brown pants and a cream button down shirt. I smile at the garments feeling something warm inside me; different from the one I felt with John. I make Michael stand in the corner with his eyes closed and his back turned as I change. I admire myself in the mirror before I go to open the door of the bedroom. Just as I crack it open John sticks his head through, hair dashingly ruffled with a slight groggy voice, "What are you doing?!" I jump a little as he comes in closing the door behind him with Michael quickly leaving the room; "Are those my clothes?" he looks me up and down. I blush. He shakes the thought away before saying, "You can't come down and eat." He says. Puzzled, "Why not?" I ask. "Because my parents do not know you're here." He clears his throat. "Don't worry I will bring you up something." He says leaving. Not sure what to do I go to one of the two grand windows in the room looking out to the small yard in the back. I see an older lady drying clothes on the line. "Nana!" a voice calls. She turns around, "Yes, Michael?" Michael scampers out, "Did you wash Mr. Snuggles?" Nana smiles, "No, he must be inside still." Michael frowns for a second before running inside calling to his toy. Walking over to the window I flew through the other night, I see a man; a man slightly out of place. A man who feels familiar yet not...

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