IM SO FUCKING DONE WITH EVERYTHING. I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE THAT I JUST GIT GRILLED FIR WANTING TO DIE. I mean seriously what the actual FUCK. I don't joke about this shit Im fucking serious and wattpAd is my only way to get my feelings down without being FUCKING grilled for trying to have a private communication and an existential crisis in peace. Is that so much to FUCKING ask? I can't fucking deal with it anymore. My fucking knees feel like they are broken my throat feels like I swallowed a pair of scissors and my anxiety is through the fucking roof. I got fucking grilled for contemplating suicide and I had a mental breakdown. My mother (who I can even look in the eye anymore) keeps joking about it when I have been trying to find the courage to do it for so long it sickens me. Im fucking shaking just typing this and I feel like Im on fucking suicide watch. I can't even FUCKING TALK TO MY FRIENDS IN PEACE CAN I! IM SO SICK OF MY MOTHER CALLING ME UP ON EVERYTHING AND SHIT WHEN I CANT HELP IT! send hElp plEASe I CanT gO oN thiS way aNymOre anD I FeEl lIke DyiNg iS My beSt opTIon I NeEd a MeNtAl InstiTuTiOn BecAusE I caNt FuckIng taKe iT. sOmeOne kIll mE PleAse....IM ReaDy.....To dIe.......
If you've ever wanted to fall away
EspiritualThis is a book of MCR and TØP inspirational quotes and images as well as me speaking my mind on the meaning of life