Stay With Me

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It was evening time when Alexander awoke. The living room was dimly lit, the only source of light being from the sun that came in through the windows and painted the walls orange. The sky had peach hues mixed with rose, making for a pleasant sight - one that Alex wasn't seeing, as his vision was obscured by....something? Oh, yeah. Thomas.

He lifted himself, sitting up. He yawned, his dark hair falling into his face. He leaned back and closed his eyes, enjoying the peace of the moment. He was about to lift his hand to sweep his hair out of his face, but a dark hand came forward and did it for him. His first instinct was to recoil and make an aggressive move, but Alex turned to see Thomas looking at him with a drowsy smile.

"Hi," Alex said uncertainly. This caused Thomas to laugh softly, though Alex didn't quite know why. "How are you feeling?" He asked. The smaller man shrugged. "I'm okay, I guess."
"What do you remember of the last few days?"
Alex blinked, confusion setting in. He searched his memories for any recent event. But he drew a blank. He only remembered some small things, like being isolated in his room and not coming out. The memories sent a chill down his spine.

"I... I was scared for you, Alexander," Thomas admitted hesitantly, looking away from him as if he was ashamed to admit that he cared for him. Alex wasn't sure what to feel - embarrassment? Gratitude? At one point he would've mocked him for such behavior, but after saving him from that horrible human being...

He couldn't find any smugness in him. So he simply offered a soft smile. "Thank you," he mumbled quietly. He jumped slightly as he felt Thomas's hand on top of his own. He drew in a sharp breath, pushing away the fear that was rising in him. This was Thomas. He looked directly at him, begging him silently to meet his gaze. As if he had heard the silent pleas, the other man looked up at him and they locked eyes. Alex felt comforted by the light that was within them. They weren't cold like Preston's.

"I know you're very independent, Alexander, and I don't want to hover." Thomas didn't seem very certain about his words, but he spoke them clearly. "If it's too much of a nuisance having me around, I'll return to work tomorrow. Of course you can always call me and I'll come straight back, but-"
Panic hit him. He lunged forward, squeezing Thomas in a tight embrace.
"Please don't," he whispered. "I don't want you to go. I don't."
He scolded himself inwardly for his immature, child-like behavior. He wasn't acting properly.

"Er, and after all, this is your house. So it doesn't matter whether your presence is a nuisance to me or not - and it's not, so please don't worry about it."

Thomas had stiffened beneath him, and just when he was about to wrap his arms around Alexander he pulled away. He sat silently for a moment before composing himself enough to smile again. Thomas spoke.

"Okay, I'll stay for as long as you need me to, Alexander. You're a pain in the ass, but you've got your good points, too. I really don't want to see you in any kind of distress." Alex was about to take Thomas's hand when the man abruptly stood. "I'm going to go make dinner, okay? So stay here, relax, and we can eat."

Alex nodded.

Thomas's POV

Thomas was baffled by the behavior of Alexander. He was usually quite independent - he knew the only reason he was even staying at his residence was befause he had nowhere else to turn and was still searching for a place. Actually, come to think of it, Thomas couldn't remember a single time that Alex had been searching for a house. Maybe he was just being secretive about if for some stupid reason. Alex could be a mystery, and sometimes one that wasn't easily solved.

He decided to not go with making the main course macaroni this time, amd instead settled on some steak. This was something Alex had requested before, and had been certain to tell Thomas just how he liked it. He had been putting it off - it's not that he wasn't fond of it, it was tolerable, it just wasn't his favourite dish in the world.

But his mind was hardly focused on cooking. Something had stirred inside him when Alexander flung himself at him and clung to him like a frightened child. A protective instinct kicked in, one that reminded him of the dreadful night when he discovered Preston's abuse. He wanted to hold him there, to tell him everything was okay.

I have feelings for Alexander Hamilton. The first time that exact phrase went through his mind, Thomas froze completely, nearly burning his hand on the stove (yes he was one to cook steak in a pan because who the hell has time go go outside? He didn't want to leave Alex alone inside regardless) as he realised what his mind was telling him. Sure, he'd gone through some odd acceptance, but never had outright had his feelings confront him in such a way.

This could prove to be a tough situation. He thought that it would be insensitive to try and court the young man, who was obviously still shaken from his last relationship that he had only recently escaped from. He wasn't selfish enough to put him through any pressure.

Maybe he should just let his feelings die...? But if that was going to happen, why hadn't it already? Why had it gotten this far?

He made a choice.

He wasn't going to deny it or ignore it anymore. It was just a fact. But there was no way he could pursue it. Alex was too damaged at the moment.

...but what if Alex requited his feelings?
That could change the game.

A/N: 500 views wow thank you all for this I love all my silent readers x

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