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You're playing a dangerous game...


Lunch went smoothly enough. Preston made most of the conversation while Alexander sat and listened. Usually, he talked non-stop, always having something to say. But he was so nervous, and he had figured out the reason for that during the car ride to the restaurant.

He feared Preston himself.

Sure, the thought of a relationship was scary. But Alex was one to take risks. But this man seemed like a threat to Alex. There was something odd about him, something in his cold eyes that could only be described as aggressive. It was a dormant hostility, just waiting to be awakened by any wrong moves. He had seen a bit of it in the car, when he got upset with Alexander for not listening and getting lost in thought.
Everyone is different. This is just a part of who he his.
Except, Alexander strongly disliked it.
He knew he had no place to tell anyone to change. But that didn't mean he couldn't politely say things weren't working for him and just walk away from it. And as Preston drove them to his house, he knew that was exactly what he would have to do. He would spend a bit of time with him, admit that he didn't think they were suited for each other, and they could part ways.
Easy enough, right? Surely that'd put an end to the whole thing, and Alexander could go on with his life.

They arrived and Alex stepped out of the car, putting on a false smile as they walked into his house. He had been here once before, but it seemed just as confusing as foreign as the first time. Before he could try and stop it, a thought popped into his head.
I was familiarized with Thomas's house within two days.
He pushed the thought to the back of his mind. Why was he thinking of Thomas, of all people? He tried to find something else to think about but when his thoughts drifted to Laurens he gave up and turned to Preston as he lead him to the couch.
"What're we going to do?" he asked.
"Well, I figured we could watch a movie or something. That's always a good way to start things off. I have Netflix."

Alex felt his stomach turn as Preston patted the spot next to him. No, he didn't want to be that close to him. When Alex stood unmoving, Preston growled in annoyance and stood up, jerking Alex by the arm. He gasped and pulled away from him indignantly. "You can't just-" but he wasn't listening. He grabbed Alex more forcefully this time and nearly threw him down onto the couch. "Do I look like a toy to you?" Alexander spat. Preston simply sat down next to him, his body tense. He looked angry.

"Look, Preston, you're a nice guy. But I really don't think this is going to work. I'm really not looking for a relationship right now."
The other man leaped to his feet so quickly that Alexander almost missed it. His hands were clenched into fists. "I-I'm just going to get an Uber or something-"
"You're not leaving."
The nervousness that had been with him the whole time disappeared.
It was replaced with real fear.
Alex reached slowly for his phone, but the other man was faster. He took it from him, sliding it into his own pocket.
"Don't think so."
There was cold fire in his eyes. Alexander wasn't sure what to do. He felt completely helpless and vulnerable. Without a phone, he had no way to contact anyone. Preston wasn't going to let him leave.

He sat down next to Alex, putting an arm around him. He stiffened under his touch, his breath hitching. Terror coursed through him. He didn't dare move in fear of what would be done to him.

Every second felt like hours to Alexander. His body was tense, he was drowning in his fear. Preston's expression was unreadable.
He was so afraid. So when Preston seemed to be getting tired, Alex saw his chance.
They had been sitting in tense silence for around three hours, just watching movies on Netflix.
Preston yawned, releasing his grip on Alex for just a moment.
He saw an opportunity, and bolted.

He was at the door when he felt the back of his shirt grabbed. He let out a strangled cry as his breathing was momentarily restricted due to the fabric tightening around his throat. He was turned around and he was slapped, bringing sharp pain to his cheek. He tried to shove him away, but Alex had little physical strength and was just hit again.

Suddenly, his phone went off in Preston's pocket.

"Answer it, but make him think everything is fine," Preston growled. Taking a deep breath, Alexander took his phone from Preston.

"Hey, Alexander."
"Thomas," Alex breathed.
"Alexander? Are you okay?"
"Y-yes. What did you need?"
"I was just wondering if you were going to be home for dinner. If I needed to get food for the both of us "
Alex took in a shaky breath, for once not annoyed by the way Thomas said 'home' and not 'my house'. "No, I'll probably be gone overnight. I have to go now."
"But, Alex-"
Preston took the phone and hung up.
"There, that wasn't so hard, was it?" He smiled softly.
"I'm sorry for hitting you, Alex. I really am..." His expression grew concerned.
"I - I don't know what came over me. Sometimes I get like that. I'm just not used to having someone around - I've been alone for a while and have to learn to socialize again," he said with a chuckle.
As if everything was okay.
And Alex believed him. He immediately felt bad for trying to run and returned to the couch with him.
"If you want to leave..."
He did, but that would be rude. He had nothing but good intentions, and they were both going to have to learn how to handle each other.
"No, I can stay overnight if you'd like."
This seemed to make Preston happy.

Alexander had no idea of the trap he had fallen into.

A/N: alright so no more filler chapters someone's gonna get their ass kicked in the next chapter and we can finally get to Jefferson awkwardly realizing his feelings yay

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