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DEDICATED to: dmcspicy, the guy who is here for a friend of mine and has been leaving comments around the book like a loyal fan or a guy trying to get in my friend's pants. Regardless of your reasons, I would like to just thank you for your support when the people I loved didn't even have a fraction of your support.


They say, you're a little too much for me

I sang the song that was stuck in my head as I check my watch for the umpteenth time since I left the O'Neil's for the lake to meet Samuel.

After grandmother went back into the house, I was left on the hammock with my jaw on the ground. Even though she didn't acknowledge my accusation but she didn't dismiss it either which was enough to make my head spin from the possibility that my grandfather could've been a werewolf.

You're a liability

Does this mean dad was adopted? Seeing as we're clearly not werewolves.

Shaking away the thoughts that were still swimming in my mind even after a good night rest, I picked up my speed over to the lake. There'll be time for me to corner my grandmother somewhere for answers, but now I'll have to deal with whatever Samuel has to say to me.

You're a little too much for me

I stopped singing when I entered the lake and was greeted by Samuel who was sitting on the grass with a hoodie and jeans. He stood up when he heard the leaves crunching underneath my footstep and made his way over to me.

"Hey. I didn't know if you'd make it but thank you for coming." With that said, he moved back and opened the picnic mat that was on the grass. "Um, this was the only one I had and it's not much but it'll keep your pants dry."

"You didn't have to. I'd have been alright on the grass, like you. But thank you." Sending him a genuine smile for his thoughtfulness, I sat down on the mat as he sat down in front of me. "Now, what did you want to tell me?"

The color drained from his face when the question left my mouth. Unconsciously, my hand reached out and enveloped his in mine in a comforting gesture. "You sure you want to do this? I mean I promised to keep an open mind but if you're not ready to say anything, it's fine."

As though determined and confident now, he nodded his head while he turned his hand over to intertwine our hands together. Taking a deep breath, he began.

"Emily. This is going to sound extremely crazy but I'm not a normal guy. I um, I - I'm a werewolf and before you laugh or think I'm crazy, I'm going to prove it to you." With his eyes still trained on our intertwined hands, he pulled the blue hair tie around my wrist out and took it in his hand as he walked behind a tree.

Trying to keep an open mind as promised, I remained on the mat as I waited for Samuel to come back and explain everything. It didn't take long after Samuel was gone when I heard an eerie cracking sound behind another tree.

Several minutes after the cracking stopped, the brown wolf from the backyard walked out from behind a tree. Releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding, I gestured for the wolf over with my hands. At least it was a friendly animal that could keep me accompany as I wait for Samuel to come back.

Before my hand could come into contact with his snout, he dropped a blue hair tie in front of my legs.

A blue hair tie. That looked like the one Samuel took from me. Could it be that Samuel had dropped it when he was walking away and the wolf retrieved it for me? Or could it be that this wolf is Samuel?

Emily and Samuel ✔️Where stories live. Discover now