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Don't go breaking my heart

Squeezing my eyes shut, I covered my ears but even that wasn't enough to stop the laughter that escaped me when I felt a soft grinding on my thighs. The laughter only got louder when I felt his hands prying mine away from my ears as he straddled me this time.

My eyes snapped open when he started grinding on me again but because of the new position we're in, I could feel everything. And I mean everything. But I didn't get the chance to fully process the body organ that was currently being grinded against my hip as he continued the song in a much higher pitched voice.

I couldn't if I tried

The laughter burst out of me again at the floppy continuous grinding – even though every part of me felt like fire knowing that I could feel his reproductive organ – and the look on his face as he sang the song that were playing at the background.

However, my laughter was short-lived when I felt the organ rubbing against me for the hundredth time but this time, it felt – dare I say it – bigger.

He must have saw my surprised when my eyes widened at the direction of his growing organ because one moment we were laughing as he grinded on me, the next he was off me as he scurried to the bathroom.

And even though a part of me felt extremely embarrassed of what just happened and was glad that he moved away, the other part of me was disappointed that I could no longer feel his warmth on me. There was also a small part of me that was confused because I couldn't understand why it had happened. Was it because he was just like the ordinary teenage boy who gets aroused when he rubs his genital on a girl or was it because that he thought I was attractive enough which triggered his senses?

"– listening?" Pulled out of my reverie, I blinked my eyes and cleared my throat as I refrained myself from looking past below his waist to check for any um, swelling? But my mind halted from all thoughts about his protuberance when I saw the guilt in his face.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked before I cleared my throat again when I heard how croaky my voice sounded after laughing for such a long time. Well, at least that's what I told myself because I refused to believe that the accident has affected me in any way.

With a sigh, he lifted me up from the desk chair in my room and plopped himself down before he placed me on top of his legs. Trying hard not to squirm on his lap to avoid the embarrassing mishap from repeating itself, I turned my head over and focused on the pair of green eyes that I – as crazy as it sounds – love.

"I was just apologising for what happened. I know you're not ready for anything like that yet and it just felt really good that I lost control of it." It was getting harder not to squirm now especially with the words that had confirmed my thoughts on how it was in fact, because of me. Instead of letting my mind dwell on the fact that I could do that to him, I bit my lip to stop the smile that was threatening to surface and focused on the way his fingers are twirling a strand of my hair. "I missed you."

A feeling of content surged through my body at the simplicity and sincerity of his words but as much as I wanted to believe in his words, a part of me refused to. Not when he couldn't conjure up an explanation for why he went AWOL and stopped replying or picking up my calls.

But we shouldn't dwell on it. His here, isn't he? That's all that matters.

"Baby what's wrong?" His melodic – too melodic for his usual deep and raspy ones – voice snapped me out of my stupor. Why did he sound so, him yet not? Maybe it's because of the singing just now. Yes, that has to be it.

"Nothing. I'm just trying to make up for lost time." Plastering a big smile on my face, I wrapped my hands around his neck and leaned my head on his shoulder. Without wasting anytime, I felt his contented sigh on the top of my head as his fingers trailed up and down my arm. Everything felt right except for the nothingness on my skin. There weren't any sparks present on my skin as his fingers touched mine nor was there any explosion of tingles or contentment as I felt his soft kiss on my temple. It was as though he wasn't here at all. Maybe I'm just tired.

Emily and Samuel ✔️Where stories live. Discover now