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WELCOME TO MY FIRST WATTPAD POST! (So enter...if you dare!)

First of all, before you start, I have a few things to tell you guys.

THIS IS COPYRIGHTED. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE OR CLAIM AS YOUR OWN...BECAUSE IT'S MINE. And you'll be facing my ninjetic wrath and the law.

1. This is SUPPOSED to be structured as a drama (not a normal novel with your normal/average chapter structures) so every chapter is broken down into parts like how an episode is broken down into sections that separate with commercial breaks.

2. My works tend to use Japanese names, mostly because...I'm not good at choosing English names for my characters. If you're wondering how to pronounce something, leave a comment DOWN BELOW and I'll tell you guys.

3. This is a REALLY...REALLY...LONG...STORY. It has a bunch of storylines with one following the other (arcs).

4. THIS STORY SERIOUSLY NEEDS TO BE EDITED. The writing and ideas and stuff are all raw. The only thing that should be okay is the grammar--but you might run into typos. There might be an overdose of purple prose, but it'll be edited soon!

5. This file only presents Chapters 1-20 because each file can only hold 100 chapters. IT DOESN'T END WITH CHAPTER 20! (I promise you!)

6. The chapters switch from first person to third person a few random times, and when it's in 3rd person, it'll be in italics. (I know that's...super weird...)

Read! Comment to your commenting desires! Criticism and being plain rude are two very different things--remember that (especially since I KNOW that this story seriously needs to be edited)!

I hope to make friends somehow through this story. Oh--and advice would be nice. No spamming, 'kay?

And the author's notes that you might find throughout this piece.....they're important! READ THEM, KAY???

<3 (<-- Less than three.)

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