Chapter Three: Part Three

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Note: Remember when I said this wasn't normal, regular writing? There are going to be some parts that are all italicized. This is because some parts are written in 3rd person. I know, I'm so incredibly weird! But yeah, the parts are ONLY written in Hotaru's 1st person or an omniscient/limited 3rd person. It doesn't alternate between loads of people.

Enjoy, guys!


The boy named Hanabusa took a small sip of clear water from the thin glass he clutched in between his fingers. He set the glass down onto the excessively long table as he heard dim footsteps emanating from the doorway.

“Where is she?” the boy murmured, glancing towards a tall man with sunglasses hanging before his eyes.

“She’s not having dinner with us today.” The man proclaimed, approaching the boy’s side. “It seems she is still angry.”

“It’s not a surprise,” the boy turned away from the man and took another sip of water. “This table really does look five miles long. Her bedroom does seem like a football field. And those hallways are very confusing to walk through.”

“But sir,” the man began, fidgeting with his dark glasses. “It is complicated to allow her to maintain a job, isn’t there?”

“No,” the boy slimly replied, reaching for his fork. He stabbed a chunk of meat from a dish before him and began tearing it with his knife. “I wouldn’t mind spending less money on her.”

“Though we have to have her driven to and from her job location,” the sunglasses man informed.

“Why else do we pay our driver?”

“Though what about when our driver has days off?”

The boy silenced. He noticed that Sunglasses Man Megane was correct. Plus, there was the fact that the girl could escape during her job hours. He was aware that she was much more pleased with her small apartment. He would have to hire security to guard her actions. He would have to pay them money.

Megane was right. Allowing the girl to maintain a job really was somewhat complicated. Though he didn’t wish to inform the girl about this thought. She would roar in his face again. And although it did not bother the boy as much as it would have, it was very difficult for the maid to re-tame his hair back to the way it was, and it was very, very painful how she had pulled his hair so hard that it felt like he was going to become bald.

“Hanabusa-sama!” a voice called from the doorway.

The boy turned towards the voice with the remains of tasteless meat swallowed down his throat. “What is it?”

“A phone call has been made.” The maid at the doorway informed. “The connection is coming from Hotaru Fujioka’s bedroom.”

The boy glanced at the cordless phone that the maid clutched in her hands.

“Would you like to listen?” the maid asked, holding the phone towards the boy. “She might be plotting an escape.”

“No,” the boy slowly turned away from the maid and stabbed the bits on meat on his plate. “I am not a stalker. Let her do what she wishes. She is mostly unlikely to escape, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

The boy slid the slice of meat into his mouth and swallowed it straight away. He was sure that the girl wouldn’t be able to escape. She was the one that had said the maze of hallways outside her bedroom was nearly impossible to exit.

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