Chapter Nineteen: Part One

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Hey, guys! Here's the first chapter of the third arc, YAAAAAAY!

I wish you guys happiness for my third A.F.G. arc, and I just want to tell you guys that THE WHOLE ENTIRE CHAPTER OF CHAPTER NINETEEN IS IN 3rd PERSON! No Hotaru in this chapter--well, at least, not her as narrator.

Less than three, feller humans!


The boy named Hinata Fuyume was lying on his bed, draped in the thin covers. He was staring blankly at the ceiling, not feeling any courage to get up.

His head felt light, and he knew that once he sat up, everything would start to spin. He couldn’t stand risking the chances of having to run to the bathroom to spew out another helping of vomit. It was one thing to eat food by putting the food into your mouth. It was a different thing to have your partially digested food coming back up your throat and burning almost all your senses.

“Hinata!” Hinata heard the loud, booming voice of his sister. He could hear her stomping towards his room, and he prepared himself for the full-frontal yelling that his sister would give him.

“Hinata!” the door burst open, and it collided with the small doorstop connected to the wall in order to keep the door away from denting the wall. “You’re going to go to school today! Do you have any idea how bad it is if your grades drop and we have to end up paying for your tuition?! You know how expensive that tuition is, don’t you? Why on earth couldn’t you attend the local high school where the guardians don’t have to pay for a single thing?!”

“It’s not like I was going to let that scholarship go to waste,” Hinata answered, resting the back of his hand over his eyes. “I’ll make up my missing work later. I’m staying home today. As you can see, I am still very, very sick.”

“Oh? Stand up, then. Let’s see what color your face turns into.”

Hinata knew that she was expecting his face to either turn bright red or green. This would both end in bad situations either way, because if he wasn’t turning red or green, he would have to go to school. If he was turning red or green, he would probably have another round of the lovely vomiting.

The last time he had vomited had been the sixth time he had vomited since the night before. His throat was aching and he was tired, and he just wanted to drift away to sleep in peace.

Once Hinata sat up, his vision began to blur, and everything around him seemed to shift around. He couldn’t keep his head straight, so it bobbled back and forth in small nods.

He was sure that his stomach would start to become upset any second afterwards, but that feeling never came. The only thing that crossed his mind was the dizziness that sitting up was giving him.

“Nope,” his sister murmured, peering at Hinata suspiciously. “You’re not turning green. You are turning a little pink, but I think that’s just the aftershock part of your flu. Honestly, how on earth did you catch a cold like that?”

Hinata faintly remembered the day he had traveled outside, when the wind was blowing and the air was just a little nippy.

He had been escorting a girl to a place that she needed to go. For some reason, he couldn’t remember the girl’s face. He only remembered the girl’s eyes, and those eyes really weren’t hard to forget for him.

They looked exactly like the eyes that the girl he loved had.

The rest of the girl and the adventure through the dangerous journey of the side of the freeway seemed a lot like a dream. The wind surely made that day a gusty day to remember. Perhaps a flu had been blowing around in that wind, and it just happened to fly up his nose.

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