Chapter Seventeen: Part Two

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Note: You guys remember that evil maid of Hotaru's? Chapter Seventeen is focused mainly on HER.

I love writing stories on minor characters! Every character is necessary, y'know! Minor just depicts how many lines a character has, or how often they appear! So here's a chance to get to know that evil maid.


The young maid was well aware that she was exhausted from running half of a maid’s night shift. But even though she was irrevocably drowsy that morning, she ran into many questions.

The first dramatic thing that happened that morning was when the small, red-headed girl had been claimed as “missing”.

“Hotaru-sama is not in her room!” the young maid’s fellow companion, Megane, announced when he had nearly collided with him on her way up the stairs.

“Maybe she’s taking a crap,” the young maid bluntly answered. She was not at all worried about her red-headed master.

The last time she had gone “missing”, there was a whole chaotic moment where all of the maids and chauffeurs were running around aimlessly like headless chickens.

It was such a waste of time.

“If she really is ‘taking a crap’, I must find out where she is!” Megane straightened the pair of sunglasses that sat upon his nose. “Kasumi, could you please check if Hanabusa-sama has left his room?”

Kasumi did not object in any way whatsoever. She enjoyed traveling into her master’s room. He managed to keep everything clean without the aid of his maids.

However, when she approached her master’s room, she heard voices emanating through the doors. Kasumi found this peculiar because hardly anyone but the master himself goes into his bedroom.

She lightly tapped on the door. “Hanabusa-sama?”

The voices did not seem to acknowledge her knocks. She raised an eyebrow as she leaned forward to press her ear against the wood of the door.

All she managed to hear was, “Keita!”

Who is this ‘Keita’? was the thought that automatically ran through Kasumi’s head. Why is this ‘Keita’ in Hanabusa-sama’s bedroom?

Without any further thought, she burst into the room and slid the light dimmer on the wall to its brightest power.

When she saw the two figures on the floor, she froze in place.

The red-headed girl was kneeling on the floor beside her master, both hands molding the master’s face into what looked like a fish face.

But what shocked Kasumi even more was that Hanabusa-sama had his hands on her face as well.

Was it possible that she had just accidentally run into an . . .

She knew she immediately had to explain why she had just burst into the room.

“Breakfast is ready,” she informed in the dimmest, wobbliest voice she had ever spoken in. “I wondered if something was wrong, so I came inside.”

Kasumi watched Hanabusa-sama rise onto his feet, holding his hand towards the girl and murmuring, “Hurry or we’ll be late for school.”

The girl took his hand and Kasumi felt a hint of tension rise into her stomach. She wanted to dash out of the room but her feet were still planted to the ground.

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