Chapter Two: Part Two

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I kept my head against the leather seats of the car. I heard the engine hum. I kept my eyes closed.

Hotaru! Once they let you out of the car, you go all gangsta' on them!I silently instructed. Bop their heads and kick places that should never be kicked. Then you run away!

The plan I came up with might have seemed very simple, but things were easier said than done. I didn't think I was much of a match against whatever army the boy had in mind.

I heard the car doors around me open. A gentle breeze blew into the car, and loose strands of my hair blew around my face.

“Miss, we have arrived.” I recognized the sunglasses man’s cautious whisper. He reached a hand into the car and held it towards me. Instead of succeeding what I promised myself and kicking butt, I reluctantly took his hand, and he pulled me out of the car.

I ran a hand down my ruffled auburn hair. Once I glanced forward at our location, I let out a gasp of awe.

Before me was a large driveway lined with pink cherry trees. At the end of the driveway, just about ten feet away, was a wide, white building lined with countless windows that towered over my head. The flawless paint seemed to glow in response to the sunlight.

A shimmering water fountain was planted before the building. The water jumped into the air and contracted into flawless arcs back onto its surface. The reflecting sunlight caused the water to glitter and glow.

“Welcome to the Hanabusa household, miss,” the man bowed his hand towards the ground, welcomingly outstretching his arm.

“This is a house?” I asked, peering at my surroundings. This moment was similar to the dreams I had at a younger age, with an ideal castle and a chauffer that stood beside me. The only difference was the large, frilly dress I wasn't wearing, and the fact that the man standing beside me was not my chauffer.

“Come,” a voice chimed.

I twirled towards the voice. The blonde boy bent his gaze towards me with bundles of his hair falling lightly onto his forehead.

I attempted to glare at the boy and express my hatred for him in what Amanatsu called “Hotaru Slappy Slaps”—because he had felt my slappy slaps before. Instead, I remained tamed, and all I ended up doing was turning a bemused gaze towards his violet ones.

“The entrance is over here,” the boy informed as he lazily raised a finger towards the bronze double doors of the house. The familiar, black-suited men had already yanked onto the thick, golden handles to open the doors.

I stepped behind the boy, peering over his shoulders to witness what was beyond the towering doors. As we slowly sauntered through the doors, a bright dazzle of light made my eyes squint.

“Welcome, Hanabusa-sama,” a lighthearted chant sounded throughout the room. I widened my eyes. The floor we walked on was a long, spotless, red carpet. At the edges of the carpet lined women dressed in aprons and men dressed in black suits. The women bowed forward with their hands against the fronts of their aprons. The men curtly nodded, holding up angular arms that thin, white towels hung against.

“Whoa,” I whispered, glancing around the room. Glittering chandeliers hung from the ceiling that towered several feet up into the air. The wall was lined with tall windows that allowed sunlight to enter. The floors were covered with solid, marble tiles. Glancing back and forth towards the maids and chauffeurs that surrounded us. They each curiously glanced towards me with fatigued smiles spread upon their faces, letting their gazes trail after me as I walked behind the blonde-haired boy.

I blinked my eyes in amazement. I had never been in a house so large and luxurious. The ceilings that towered high above my head made the ceilings of my apartment seem like they were suffocating the room.

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