Chapter Six: Part One

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I felt my clench against my briefcase’s handle automatically loosen. As the briefcase clattered against the floor, I dashed towards the ginger-locked boy before me with open arms. I tightly shut my eyes as I ran into him.

“Amanatsu!” I cried, feeling at least a ton being lifted off my shoulders. I buried my face in his shoulders. This horrifying first day of school suddenly became the best day I’ve had in the last couple of days.

“Hotaru—you’re hurting me . . .” Amanatsu stuttered, stiffly freezing his shoulders into place.

I squeaked nervously as I hopped away from Amanatsu with a face reddened into full color. I glanced at the black blazer that sat over his shoulders and I immediately closed my open jaw.

“Amanatsu!” I gradually raised my growl, slowly raising a fist. “You go to Seika Academy and you never told me?!”

“It never came up in a conversation!” Amanatsu anxiously stuttered, holding up two hands in defense.

“Amanatsu! You’re enjoying a girlfriend already?” a familiar, ecstatic voice laughed.

I flung my gaze around to find a familiar, bright gaze beam towards me. Mikan’s smile quickly faded into surprise as she let out a gasp. “Hotaru!”

“Mikan? You’re here too?”

“Why, of course!” Mikan rose her smile back into action. “Someone has to make sure Amanatsu’s grades don’t slip down the well.”

“Your grades are lower than mine, Mikan!” Amanatsu retorted, tightly folding his arms against his chest.

“Are you in second year, Amanatsu?” I curiously chirped, tilting my head towards my shoulder in question.

“No, I’m in first year. Mikan says I should wait in front of her classroom after school.”

Mikan twirled her gaze over my shoulder. “Hanabusa-kun? Do you know Hotaru?”

I immediately peered towards the blonde boy and automatically remembering his presence. The blonde boy simply narrowed his eyes, and a slim emotion of suspicion loomed over his face.

His emotionless face was only a few millimeters in difference from his suspicious face.

He reached forward and his pale hands clutched my wrist. “We should go now.” He murmured softly, pulling against my arm. I automatically stumbled behind him.

“Amanatsu—“ I began, though I stopped my voice midway.

I felt another tug against my opposite wrist. Amanatsu grasped my other arm with a bemused expression plastered across his face. I was forced to stop moving and stay in one place.

The blonde boy paused his hasty walking and turned towards Amanatsu through the corner of his eye.

“Hotaru, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to go,” Amanatsu began as he nudged my wrist towards himself.

I peered back towards the blonde boy. He had narrowed his eyes another few millimeters as he nudged the wrist he held back where it had been.

I could tell Amanatsu was gritting his teeth as he had yanked the arm he grasped. I squeaked nervously.

A shadow crossed the blonde boy’s face as he yanked my arm back where it was.

Oh no, I silently squeaked.

I felt sharp pinches against my wrists as both of my arms were being pulled in opposite directions.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!” I barked, wincing at the newly found pain that pierced my arms. “You guys are hurting me!”

I felt one of the grasps on my wrists release and I gazed towards the blonde boy. He had dropped my arm and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He began continuing his slow steps down the hallway, calmly gliding away in consistent steps.

I turned back towards my other wrist. “Amanatsu,” I whispered.

My second arm was released. I forced a small smile and I curtly nodded. “I’m sorry. I’ll see you later, okay?”

Before Amanatsu could utter anything else, I followed after the blonde boy’s footsteps. I resisted the urge to look back.

The boy seemed to notice that I was lingering behind him and he murmured a whisper.

“Is he your boyfriend?”

My jaw hung open. “No!” I hissed, giving the boy a death glare. “No! He’s just my friend!”

“The way he looked at you didn’t look as if you’re just his friend.”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I stammered, feeling my face fill in color. I pursed my lips together as I felt a vein throb against one of my temples.

We slowly descended down the stairs. I anxiously took each step without skipping.

My mind swam with relief that Mikan and Amanatsu were now attending the same school as me. Though I didn’t feel like I had received any more freedom. Everything seemed to remain exactly the same.

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