Chapter Eighteen: Part One

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Character A: I can’t forgive you. You’ll end up having to say sorry again, just like this.

Character B: But this has happened before. You forgave me before.

Character A: It’s not happening again. It’s happened so many times, and every time I forgive you, I expected something different. I was in a state of insanity.

Character B: (gradually approaches) What is insanity?


I wobbled beside Keita with my eyes barely open. I held my copy of Script 13 in my hands.

“Why are you bringing your homework assignment to the breakfast table?” Keita asked without turning around to look at me.

“I didn’t memorize it yet.”

“You didn’t do your homework.” His tone was probably meant to be taunting, as if he was making fun of me for not doing my homework, and that I would get in trouble. But from him, it just sounded like a normal comment.

I glanced at the script and frowned. I knew that the next time I step into theater class would be the day where we would have to perform our scripts. Around this point in time, I wondered why I was put in theater class.

I couldn’t act. There was no way I could act in a “romance” scene like this one. Especially since the character I’m playing is so incredibly strange as to be so determined to not forgive the guy at the beginning of the story, but to fall for the guy’s apologizing at the end.

Perhaps the girl got so tired of the guy apologizing that she just wanted to get it over it for her own sake. Someone apologizing over and over and over would probably annoy lots of people.

I glanced over my shoulder at the evil maid that trailed behind us. Her dark hair was tied tightly into her perfect ponytail. Once I turned to look at her, she quickly shot me a glare.

I whipped my head back to where it had been. I wondered how much power I would hold if I had a glare like that.

Once we got to the breakfast room, I sat down in my seat across Keita. I liked this table a little better from the dinner table, and the memory of it came back into my mind. I liked how it wasn’t as exaggerated.

The view from the breakfast table was the same, outstanding view I had seen before. Although this time, there was something a little different from usual. There was no sun shining into the room.

The sky was completely gray, as if it would leak rain onto the earth at any minute.

I glanced from the view to Keita, and I jumped at the sight of him staring back at me.

“Sorry about this morning,” he whispered, lowering his head towards mine. “I didn’t mean to . . .” his voice slowly trailed off.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Don’t apologize. That wasn’t really your fault.” I ran my hands through my hair. “I shouldn’t have taken your bed last night.”

“That doesn’t matter to me.”

The stare he gave me was focused off once a maid quickly placed small mugs onto the table in front of us. She quickly filled Keita’s cup with what looked like dark water.

She turned towards me. “What would you like to drink, miss?” she motioned towards the large pot she was holding. “This is coffee.”

I knew my eyebrows wrinkled once I heard the word “coffee”. I’ve only tried coffee once, and I thought it tasted horrible and bitter.

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