A To Be Continued Story

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Hey guys!

If you think this is the end, I'm sorry to tell you that


Okay, so I just RECENTLY found out that there's a limit to how many chapters there can be in a story/wattpad file thing. I SERIOUSLY DIDN'T KNOW THAT!

I thought a story could have HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF CHAPTERS. (Not that I was planning for this story to have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of chapters.) But yeah, my story definitely DOES NOT END with Chapter Twenty.

So I've got to continue this story with "A Firefly's Glow: Edition Deux". It'll start from right where we left off, on Chapter Twenty One.

Sorry guys, I had absolutely no idea. But please, continue to read on and stick with me!

-Theresa Vuong

P.S. Those of you who have stuck with me for THIS LONG...thank you so much! Less than three, fellow reader. Less than three. (<3)

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