Chapter Seventeen: Part Seven

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YUUUUSS! A chapter with seven parts! FINALLY! Wow, that's a lot of parts.


“Come on!” I ushered Kasumi towards the dining room. “They’re waiting, and I’m hungry.”

Her dark hair fell over her shoulders near her elbows. She quickly shook her head.

“I’m not going in there. Hanabusa-sama—he—“

Was she one of the ones afraid of Keita, too?

“Come on, dude,” I pointed towards the hall that lead to the dining room. “I am so absolutely, positively hungry.”

When Kasumi shook her head a second time, I gave a loud sigh. This girl was so absolutely stubborn.

And it wasn’t like I was going to go to dinner without her.

My only choice now—if I wanted to attend dinner—was to motivate this girl to move her butt into the room so that my stomach would stop growling. But before I could speak another word, a voice sounded out of no where that made me jump at least three feet off of the floor.

“What are you doing?”

I whipped my head around and glared at Keita as he laid eyes on the two of us. He was standing at the front of the hall with his arms relaxed against his sides.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, nearly stuttering from the remains of the shock that his appearance gave me.

“I could hear you talking from where I was sitting at the dinner table.”

Assuming how long the dinner table was, how far he sat from the doors of the dining room, and how far the front of the hallway was from the doors, we must have been pretty loud.

“Why are you two standing here bickering? Wouldn’t it be much more comfortable sitting at the dinner table?”

This was exactly what I had been thinking, but I couldn’t blame Kasumi on why we weren’t at the dinner table.

“You,” Keita began, glancing towards me. “Go sit down. The food is already at the table.”

I slowly nodded, walking towards Keita. Once I passed him, I heard him whisper, “Would you like to join us, too?”

I quickly turned back around.

I always assumed that Sora had the biggest blush out of everyone I knew, but Kasumi definitely broke her record. Her face turned bright red, and all that came out of her mouth were stutters.

I stepped beside Keita and smiled. “She says yes.”

Keita turned around and took the lead when he walked towards the dinner table. I grinned, made a motion for Kasumi to follow, and I hurried behind Keita.

A few seconds later, I turned back around to see if Kasumi was still lingering beside the front of the hallway.

She was following just a few steps behind me.

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