Chapter Six: Part Three

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A tall figure entered the doorway and peered at the boy sitting in place behind the long dinner table.

“Is she skipping dinner again?” the boy asked the tall man, slowly turning his gaze away from the food that sat before him. The boy admitted to himself that he was somewhat hungry, and he wished to begin eating his food. Though he made it a habit to wait for anyone else to sit in their seats before he began his dinner.

“Yes, Hanabusa-sama,” Megane answered, curtly nodding his head and rushing over to the boy’s side. “Perhaps she is still upset.”

“Perhaps,” the boy gently agreed as he freely stabbed a portion of a random dish with his fork.

“Was her day at Seika Academy alright?”

“She had to spend the entire day filling out exams. I doubt it was entertaining for her.” The boy pried a chunk of chicken off of his fork and immediately swallowed it whole.

“She seemed dazed when she entered the car on the way home.”

“Yeah, she saw a couple of her friends after school.”

“Wouldn’t that be a good thing for Hotaru-sama?”

“I pulled her away from them after a couple of minutes.” The boy murmured, swallowing another chunk of meat. “And I said some things.”

“What things, sir?”

“I suggested one of her friends was her boyfriend.”

“Is that the reason why you dragged her away from her friends, Hanabusa-sama?”

The boy clutched the thin glass that sat behind his plate, and he sipped the iced water. “Of course not.”

“Hanabusa-sama!” a voice rang from the doorway. Megane and the boy turned their gazes to the maid that stood before them. A faint chime rang throughout the room.

“Yes, what is it?” the boy asked, setting his glass back down on the table.

“There is a call pending,” the maid informed, holding a telephone base in her arms. “Would you like to answer it?”

“Yeah,” the boy slowly nodded, reaching his arm towards the phone. He slowly picked up the phone and the moderate ringing curtly ceased.

Before he could utter a mellow “hello”, he heard another voice answer the phone instead.

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