Chapter Twelve: Part Four

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I sauntered down the hallways with the edges of the pile of papers that I lugged mildly scratching my skin.

“Would you give these to your dear upperclassman resting in the infirmary?” Haruka’s gleeful voice echoed into my mind. “I won’t be able to see Hanabusa-kun today.”

I peered at the thin packet of papers that I clutched in my hand. The thin, perfectly flawless calligraphy was scrawled onto the first page.

I could barely read any of the calligraphy. The C’s and T’s were so oddly sketched. How could anyone read the strange handwriting that was scrawled on almost every piece of parchment he received?

I glimpsed at the neatly polished floor beneath my feet. If only I hadn’t asked him to assist me that morning, perhaps he would be awake.

And I wouldn’t be absolutely paranoid about thinking of him.

It was difficult to forget the way his face was perfectly chiseled into pale flawlessness. His mauve eyes were rare. He was irrevocably beautiful, but he didn’t seem much of a narcissist.

He was strangely quiet. The only thing I knew about him was his name.

The name that sounded so similar to mine.

He was like a robot. He didn’t show any emotion—unless he was suspicious or grumpy.

I pondered what he would look like if he smiled.

As the thought entered my head, a loud chime caused my feet to involuntarily jump. I recognized the melodic tune from that very morning.

I heard distant chattering as a few of the hallway’s doors swung open. Mobs of students began to file out of their classrooms, with every student in groups of at least two.

I sighed and returned to my thoughts.

What would make Keita smile?

I paused before a large set of double doors as I peered at the sign upon a golden post.


Before I could inch my head towards the door’s handles, the door suddenly swung open.

I froze in place.

I recognized the figure that stood before me. His hand remained on the edge of the door.

His emotionless face grew into view.

His familiar, piercing, mauve gaze exchanged glimpses with mine.


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