Chapter 9.5 (Special)-Part Two

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“Sora!” Mikan’s strident voice demanded as she stumbled through the restaurant lugging a thick pile of Don’t-Be-A-Fart Flyers. “Come help me pass these out!”

“You mean go out into the public calling people farts?” Sora blankly peered towards Mikan with drowsy eyes. “No way. Who’s going to look after the restaurant?”

“Amanatsu is, of course!” Mikan gritted her teeth and swung towards an empty table, hauling the pile of flyers onto the polished wood in relief.

“He’s not here right now.”

“What?” Mikan bared her teeth and whipped a fist through the air. “AMANATSU! COME OUT RIGHT NOW AND WATCH THE RESTAURANT!”

Silence responded Mikan’s order and she flaunted about, swinging her hands through the air.

And as usual, the customers that sat around the restaurant plainly ignored Mikan and continued eating their food.

Sora peered towards one of the many windows that surrounded the restaurant and she caught a thin, irregular lump underneath the deep orange curtains. Amanatsu was indeed in the restaurant, but Sora decided not to say anything to Mikan. If Amanatsu were to appear into view, Sora would have to spend her shift yelling “DON’T BE A FART!” out into the heavens, and she wished against it.

Mikan let out a growl of frustration. “Alright then, Sora, you stay and watch the restaurant. AMANATSU! WHEN I FIND YOU, I’M GOING TO PULVERIZE YOU!!”

She grasped onto half of the thick pile of flyers, clutched it against her chest, and peeled one of the flyers off the top. Shoving herself outdoors, she vigorously brandished the flyer she held in her hand shrieking at the top of her lungs and dashing beyond views the windows couldn’t reveal.

“Amanatsu,” Sora began, firmly folding her arms and turning her gaze towards the irregular lump beneath the curtains behind her. “The beast has left the building.”

Amanatsu peeled himself off of the wall and slipped out from behind the curtains. His gingered hair hung over his forehead and beside his ears in shaggy bundles. He hesitated ambling too far out into the open, and he nervously glanced towards the front doors of the restaurant. “Is she going to come back?”

Sora rapidly nodded. “With her usual crowd of hungry minions.”

“Lovely,” Amanatsu stepped around the counter and whipped the thin rag that sat above the countertop. He ran it over the clear glass displaying his finely frosted cakes.

“Say, where’s Hotaru?” Amanatsu asked, scraping the glass and peeling off any suspicious specks.

“She wasn’t at school today.”

“Is she sick?”

“If she was at school today, I would have known if she was sick or not because she would have talked to me.” Sora felt her voice curl into an irritated growl. “And to talk to me, she has to come to school. And if she came to school, she wouldn’t have been sick. But she didn’t come to school today, so she couldn’t talk to me, so I don’t KNOW if she is sick or not. In fact, she might be sick because she didn’t come to school today, but I wouldn’t know because she didn’t tell me, because she didn’t come to school!”

After Sora’s harshly enunciated speech, Amanatsu pursed his lips in defense.

“You’re so beautifully cheery today, Sora.” He murmured in sarcasm as he set his rag onto his shoulders.

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