Chapter 9.5 (Special)-Part One

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Note: You guys remember the special Chapter Four, right?

Weeeeell, here's another special I've created for you guys in 3rd person limited! It's its own little story. It's chopped up into parts though, but it's still super special.

I hope you guys enjoy! Read, comment, less than three...

Oh, and I think this chapter has other honorifics besides "-sama". They might seem strange when they're typed in writing, but yeah. I can't remember which honorifics are used (I'm uploading a bunch of chapters in one day--so I uploaded the Prologue of this story on the same day that I uploaded Chapter 9.5!) and it's not like I can read through all the chapters, so yeah. Here's the list.


-chan: Used between girls, for pets, and to show cuteness.

-kun: Used for guys.

-san: Equivalent to "Mr./Mrs./Ms."

-sama: Used to show utter respect.



Sora abruptly whipped her gaze towards the familiar voice and her eyes froze into an icy glare.

“What?” she snapped as her blonde curls whipped over her shoulders. What she laid eyes on what the smile that glowed with delight.

Sora immediately blushed. She hated this smile. It was dashing, cheerful, perfect. It was hypnotizing, flawless, lightening.

It was stupid, gross, and annoying.

Every morning was like this. Sora would slip onto campus outside with her red-headed companion named after a firefly. And approximately three minutes before class would start, she’d lock eyes with this.

“Where’s Hotaru?” the boy questioned, peering from either side of Sora’s shoulders.

That was exactly the problem. Today, her companion was indeed missing, and Sora hesitated to inform that she had spent ten minutes of her morning ambling about the campus and that her legs were beginning to ache.

“She’s standing right next to me. She stepped into invisible ink this morning, so you can’t see her.”

Sora explained this invented story in harsh sarcasm, with her tongue rolling a mood of annoyance into the air.

The boy merely ignored this and smiled. “Oh, really?”

“Of course not, dummy.”

As he laughed, his golden eyes seemed to gleam in the morning sunlight.

Sora peered at them. There were swirls of gold and brown that caught her attention. This boy was unique. She had never remembered seeing any pair of eyes identical to his.

“Um, Hinamori?” the boy began, waving his hand in between their faces. “You okay?”

This got Sora back on guard. She glared at the boy in bitterness. She recognized this figure and gave him her special mood meant specifically for him.

Yoru Hachimitsu.

“I’m perfectly fine, thank—you—very—much,” Sora snarled, whipping her hair towards the boy with her arms tightly folded.

The boy named Hachimitsu gave a small cough in result of Sora’s hair whipping his face. This must have been what Sora intended.

“That’s good,” he smiled, jabbing a thumbs-up beside his cheek.

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