Chapter Five: Part One

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I kept my face shoved against the fluffiness of the pillow.

Even with the thick curtains covering the windows and the fact that there was no alarm clock in sight, I managed to figure out that it was morning. I could tell by the crust I felt against the corner of my eyes and the way the bed I was lying in suddenly felt much more comfortable before I had reminded myself of school.

I lazily slid out of bed and towards the towering doors that sat against the wall. I reached for the long handle and tugged onto it. Before I could pull the handles open, something from the other side of the wooden doors had shoved them aside with a rapid whip. The doors flung me against the wall adjacent to them.

I heard a monotonous voice enter the room.

“Hotaru-sama, it is time for school.” the strict voice of Megane chimed. In a few seconds, I heard his footsteps wander about the room. “Hotaru-sama? Where are you?”

“Oh, I’m just chilling against the wall in terrible pain.” I sarcastically growled, peeling myself off of the hard walls in agony.

“Oh, I apologize, Hotaru-sama—“

“It’s fine. What do you want?”

I still felt bitter anger at the Sunglasses Man and his blonde-headed master. I wanted nothing more than to run away from this exaggerated house and off into freedom. But being slugged by a mob of muscle men wasn’t exactly my idea of pleasure.

“It is time for you to go to school, Hotaru-sama. Hanabusa-sama has already left, so it’s best that you do the same.”

“Oh,” I ran a hand through my ruffled hair. “What time is it?”

“6:30.” Megane answered, eyeing me through his thick sunglasses.

“Okay. Wake me in twenty minutes.”

I took another dive back onto the bed.

“Hotaru-sama, school begins at precisely 7:00.”

“Which is why I set my clock to around 6:50,” my remark was muffled by the covers I buried my head in.

A second after I made my reply, I heard three sharp claps.

“Yes, sir!” a loud chant immediately saluted. I felt sharp tugs at my arms and I was pulled off of the bed.

“Ow!” I screeched, wincing against the pierces of the maids’ sharp nails digging into my arm. “You’re hurting me! You’re blocking my blood flow! Where are you taking me?!”

“We’re getting you ready for school, miss,” one of the maids’ welcoming voices cheerfully remarked.

“Let me down!”

“We cannot do that, miss.”

I shot Megane my deadliest glare as the maids dragged me into the hallway. He bluntly followed out of the bedroom.

“Megane-san! Let me go!”


“Dude!” I growled as the maids’ successfully dragged me through the halls and toward my possible doom.

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