Three:Escorting the Bridge Builder

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That's kind of how I imagined the main character to look but with black eyes and natural hair.

(Your POV)

A few weeks have passed since you completed Kakashi's survival mission. Team 7 is official now, but no one actually seems to acknowledge this--especially not the Hokage.

The past few days have been a repetition of the same missions...over...and over...and over. Tuesday, it was tilling the fields; Wednesday, it was carrying groceries; and yesterday, it was chasing down that damn Tora the cat. Hell, you've probably done about 30 D-ranked missions in the last 2 weeks. Still, the Hokage won't even consider a better mission for your team.

You arrive on time to see the rest of Squad 7 and Kakashi there patiently waiting. You knew you weren't late, everyone else was just simply early.

"Why were you late this time?" Sasuke asks, already waiting for Kakashi's reaction to your excuses.

What you couldn't have been late.

"Hey Y/N, didn't Sakura tell you that they changed the time we were supposed to get our new mission." Naruto chirps.

Kakashi raises a brow and your eyes furrow.

Of course that little bitch didn't, you and her hadn't been getting a long too well and she of course wanted to make you look bad in front of everyone.

"No she didn't tell me." you say through gritted teeth. Everyone backs away and looks at the both of you as if you were about to fight.

"Ooops I guess I forgot, you're not really that important in my mind." She gives a backhanded apology.

You jump ready to pounce but Kakashi grabs you before you can leap your hand already on your  kunai blade.

"Alright ladies just calm down so that we can hear our next mission." He says sternly scratching the back of his head.

We finally gain our composure and pay attention to the 3rd Hokage and his "crew" who are seated next to him.

The 3rd looks at his desk and begins to shuffle the papers laid out on his workspace. "Now, for Team 7's next mission...a package to the neighboring town...? Babysitting the Chief Councilor's boy...? Digging potatoes...? many options. Any opinions?" The Hokage asks your team as he flips through the requests lined up.

You nearly groan. All the jobs the Hokage is listing are hardly D-ranked. If you had to pick though...

"Maybe babysitting won't be so bad guys." You suggest.

"Not really digging a little spoiled brat right now." Sasuke declines.

Sakura just sighs.

"NO!" Naruto shouts over you. "No, no, no, thank you!" Naruto says, his arms crossed. "I want a more exciting mission. Give us something else!" Naruto orders.

Iruka Sensei leaps up from his seat next to the Hokage. "Naruto, you fool! You're still a Rookie! You cant give orders to the Hokage! You work your way up the ladder by completing simple missions and gaining experience!" Iruka shouts.

Even though everyone on your team agreed with Naruto they still weren't going to risk getting in trouble.

Inwardly you cheered him on, 'Go best friend go bestfriend that's my bestfriend, fuck it up!'

"But these missions are stup—" Naruto starts.

Kakashi gives Naruto a curt smack to the back of his head. "Knock it off, Naruto." He says tiredly.

The Hokage clears his throat and lifts his pipe to his lips. "Naruto, every day we get requests for several missions ranging from babysitting to assassinations. It is my job, and my job alone, to organize and distribute these missions to ninjas based on how well I think they can handle them. Since you all have only just become Genin, rank D is the best you can handle."

Sasuke x Reader - Kekkai Genkai Love (Interracial)Where stories live. Discover now