Thirteen: The Bridge Battle *pt.3*

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Tears stream down your face silently as your hands hover over Sasuke's body.  You gently lower them onto his chest once more. 

There is nothing. 

You touch his wrists. 


You even place your hand gently by the needle protruding from his neck. 




Is all that echoes in your mind. There was nothing in your heart.

Your crying stops, he died protecting you shouldn't be... nah fuck that.

You wipe away the shed tears... you were used to should be used to this...your head flashes to images of the day your clan was again.

You started heaving dramatically, you were having a panic attack. No you can't do this now...why did so many good things always have to be taken away from you.

You couldn't breathe, the world was ending. You are still the same helpless little girl that couldn't save her family. Nothing has changed.

He died to save a dream you didn't really believe in. You killed him.

You killed Sasuke Uchiha.

Naruto wraps his arms around you and begins to cry. You had to be strong for Naruto and for eventually Sakura. You needed to complete your mission and make it out of here alive.

That's what Sasuke would have wanted, that's what he died for.

You smile for a second as you think about what Sasuke would say seeing you like this. He'd give you some wise words, or maybe yell at you to stop being a baby and fight to save your dream.

You take a good look at his face and move his hair out of the way. He looks peaceful almost like he's sleeping. But his pale skin and rigid body give away that this is an eternal sleep. 

You had never seen Sasuke sleep before, you always slept before him, and he always woke up before you, but here he looked so beautiful. You wished you could have watched him last time.

Naruto and you sit like that, taking comfort in each other's arms for a some time. Your teammate...your classmate...your friend, is dead.

"He..." A timid voice from across the circle whispers in a raspy voice.

Your head snaps up as you realize that Haku is still alive. The boy is pulling himself to his feet using his mirrors as support.

"To protect the people dear to him..." Haku muses to himself. "This boy is worthy of respect." Haku admits to you and Naruto.

You and Naruto tense. Haku doesn't seem the slightest bit fazed by the bleeding wound on his chest.

 You look up at Haku with empty eyes. You feel at a loss for words.

"Is this the first time you are experiencing a friend's death?" Haku asks curiously. "This is the way of the Shinobi. You learn to move on over time." Haku says as he falls back into the safety of his mirrors.

Your eyes widen as you realize Haku is preparing to attack again. Seeing what Sasuke went through through to save you gives you new strength, and you know you have just enough energy left to make one final attack. You look at Naruto for support, and your heart almost stops.

"Back away, Y/N." Naruto says through clenched teeth.

 "I won't let you fight alone." You tell Naruto, a determined look in your eye.

Naruto turns to you, and you involuntarily take a step back. Naruto's eyes are red—blood red. His teeth are sharp like a feline, and his nails are long and black. You don't know when this transformation started to occur, but you hope it doesn't continue any further along.

"Naruto...?" You ask as you continue backing away.

The air around Naruto is hot, and steam begins to form as Haku's ice and Naruto's heat mix. Something inside of you flip-flops as you watch red chakra being to bubble out of Naruto.

You turn to run, but you are just a little too late. Naruto's chakra explodes out from him, sending you flying into one of the glass mirrors. The force of the blow shatters the glass, and you feel it cut your side as you shoot through it.

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