Eight: The Tree Climbing Exercise

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WARNING!: This one was super long but I didn't wanna make a part two of this one so deal with it....Plz

(Y/N's POV)

You wake up to voices in the next room over with the sun bleeding through the blinds in your room. It takes you a second to remember where you are. Oh, that's right. You practically passed out in Tazuna's house after lugging Kakashi all the way here. All the mats beside you were empty and you think back to last night. 


You had woken up in the middle of the night to pee and change your pad and when  you returned back to the row of your sleeping teammates you couldn't help but smile at the strong bonds you all had made.

Sasuke was at the far left the farthest from the door and then Sakura was next to him,probably practicing for when they got married. You laughed at the thought. Then you were next to Sakura and finally the closest to the door was Naruto.

Wait this wasn't right. You had an evil grin as you decide to hook your bestfriend up.

Knowing how deep of a sleeper Naruto was you rolled his body to what used to be your mat and slept on what used to be his. Now everyone was sleeping next to their crushes, except for you of course.

You sit up on the mat you fell asleep on as you listen to the conversation next door. It sounds like Kakashi's voice, and you assume he must have woken up. It is hard to make out his words, but you listen closely as he speaks to the rest of your team.

"If the Tracker Ninja needed proof he'd killed Zabuza, he could simply have taken the head... Not to mention the weapon the Ninja kid used to kill Zabuza... a regular Senbon needle? It's impossible." Kakashi's voice sounds smothered from through the walls.

Kakashi believes that Zabuza's alive???!

It was impossible... he had checked his pulse! But you thought back on the lesson Iruka Sensei had taught on the needles. Some one highly trained could hit a vital spot to put the host in a temporary death state.

You jump out of bed, you had to get involved in the conversation with the rest of Team 7. You get ready by combing your hair with a wide tooth comb and by putting your kinky curls into a puff and then you finish the rest of your short routine.

If there is a chance that Zabuza isn't dead...? Well, it's not good news.

Luckily, they are just next door, and you push open the flaps used to seperate rooms. Everyone gives you a silent nod as you enter the room, and you note that your entire team is there and Tazuna is no where to be found.

"Scheming without me?" You say with a smirk as you stretch your tired legs and look for a place to sit at the table.

Naruto pats the seat next to him and you squeeze between Naruto and Sasuke to take your place at the meeting. Sasuke moves over quickly not upset that he had to make room for you and nudges Sakura to move over.

You note Kakashi's tired eyes as he turns to address you. As you suspected, Kakashi is awake, but he still has not risen from his bed. Most likely, it will take him several days to fully recover.

"Glad you could join us, Y/N. We were just discussing the possibility that..." Kakashi closes his eyes slowly. "Zabuza is still alive." He says dramatically.

At unfortunate timing, the flaps pull apart once more. Tazuna stands with his mouth agape, and you know he had just heard the bad news. "WHAT?" Tazuna says in surprise, his eyes wide.

Whether or not the guy was eavesdropping on your conversation is of no knowledge to you, but you know there is no need to panic the man yet.

None of you say anything as you wait for your Sensei to elaborate more on the news.

"Tazuna, calm down." Kakashi says with a tired sigh as if he couldn't be any less interested. "Based on evidence I have gathered, Zabuza was probably in a state of near death or he was drugged." Kakashi continues. "From the factors we have analyzed, the Tracker Ninja was probably aiming to save Zabuza, not kill him."

As the conversation turns to surprised yelling, a young woman comes racing down the hallway to enter the room. You have not yet met this petite woman, but you can infer that she is a relative of Tazuna's maybe his daughter, or extremely younger sister...

The woman looks startled, but she calms as she realizes there is no immediate danger. She makes eye contact with you and gives you a friendly smile as she places a hand on the frightened Tazuna's arm.

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