Sixteen: The Test

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The last four days were intense. You've spent nearly every day at the training grounds with your team. You've worked on chakra control, genjutsu avoidance, and got better at taijutsu.

Today, being the last day until the first round of the Chunin Exams, Kakashi told you to rest your bodies. He said nothing about resting your mind, though.

You didn't mind reading at all when it was about a topic you enjoyed, and you hated it when it had something to do with school, but you realized how important it was for you to read and study about something like this. Plus you had avoided the reading like it was the plague.

You are laying on a park bench with a book blocking out the setting sun. You have only just managed to convince Naruto to leave you alone for a few hours to study by yourself, so you're only on the first page of this book.

The book in your hands is about mastering the art of Taijutsu, and you are scanning through it trying to find a cool new move that won't take forever to learn. You've mastered the basics of controlling your body, but you want to learn to move and attack fluidly.

You were much better at taijutsu and shuriken jutsus, instead of ninjutsu and you were kind of nervous going into the exam without at least one ninjutsu move.

Part of the reason why you and Lee became friends was because of this. It wasn't because you didn't have chakra like him and couldn't use ninjutsu its just that you never learned. The best you could do was shadow clones and even that you hadn't perfected, you just learned it from Naruto when he got so excited about it and wanted to show you.

You stood up from the bench and tried doing the moves from the pictures shown. You had figured out some time ago that you don't learn very well  from just reading. You needed to do something active, too, like attempting the moves yourself.

"Y/N?" A calm voice says nearby. You turn around to see that Sasuke is a few feet away. His face is oddly upset, and you wonder what's the matter with him.

Your jaw almost drops as a tear falls down Sasuke's cheek. Sasuke never cries, or shows much emotion at all! What the hell is this?

"Do you mind if we sit?" Sasuke asks quietly, motioning to the spot on the bench where you had been laying before.

You get flustered as you wonder what this could possibly be about. Sasuke has been avoiding you for the whole week and now he was sitting next to you crying!

"Sasuke what's wrong? Is everything ok?" You ask worried, even though Sasuke had been a little rude, you still cared for him tremendously and had the hugest crush on him which he reciprocated back at the Land of Waves.

You hug him and when you do, you can sense that something is off. He didn't smell like Sasuke, and he didn't hug like Sasuke.

"You can't take the Chunin Exams, Y/N." He says into your shoulder , while still hugging you.

You pull away quickly. How could Sasuke, ask that of you?

Sasuke would never.

"Why? What happened..." You say searching his black eyes for answers.

"These ninjas ambushed me, and I was going to fight back, but they told me that they knew my feelings for you, and that an Uchiha had killed their loved ones in the past and so they were going to do the same to me. He said that at the final stage, during the one on one battles, that he would rig the system to fight you and then kill you in front of everyone." Sasuke explains calmly. He had stopped crying a while ago but he seemed empty inside and upset.

You gasped at the end of his story.

"Please Y/N I would do anything to have you not participate, even if it meant that I wouldn't participate as well." Sasuke continues sounding extremely desperate for you to not participate.

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