Four:Escorting the Bridge Builder *Pt.2*

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(Your POV)

You glance at Naruto to see that he appears incredibly disappointed with himself. You don't blame him, you never expected him to be the one to freeze up. As Naruto looks vacantly past you to stare at Sasuke, you turn your head to look at Sasuke as well.

Sasuke stands confidently at your side, not even glancing at you or the others. Today, Sasuke has totally stollen the spotlight on Team Kakashi, just by recklessly showing off. At least he has the decency not to rub it in, though...or so you thought for that brief moment...

Sasuke turns to Naruto with the smallest of smiles on his face. "Are you hurt...scaredy cat?" He taunts.

Naruto fumes as he glances between you and Sasuke.

"Sasuke." You say flatly. Simply saying his name tells him to stop.

He just rolls his eyes and stays quiet.

Naruto clenches his fist where he was cut from the fight, and deep red blood drops onto the ground. His legs tense as if he is about to leap at Sasuke.

"Naruto!" Kakashi suddenly shouts, breaking up the potential fight. "The guy that scratched you had poison on his nails. We need to take out the poison quickly." He commands.

Naruto pales and looks at the scratches on his hand in worry. With how much he has been moving, the poison may have already spread throughout his body.

"Naruto sit down so I can stop the bleeding and take the poison out of the wound." You say taking equipment out of your bag. You weren't a medical ninja but you knew a bunch of things in case of situations like these were to occur around you.

"It's ok Y/N I can handle this." Kakashi says and you back down watching from afar like everyone else.

Naruto says nothing as Kakashi examines the scratch on his hand.

"Also, Mr. Tazuna...this seems like a good time for you to explain yourself." Kakashi says darkly as he releases Naruto and turns to the client.

Tazuna looks to his feet and sighs. Kakashi suddenly seems...suspicious of Tazuna. What had Tazuna done?

Kakashi takes a step closer to Tazuna and stares down the older man. "These ninjas are Chunin from the Village Hidden in the Mist. Why would they be targeting a simple bridge builder like you? The content of your request was supposed to be protection from gangs and thieves--not enemy ninja--making it a less expensive C-ranked mission. In reality, this is a B-ranked mission or higher. Being lied to in the request will not do." Kakashi twirls his kunai around his finger threateningly.

Now why would Tazuna lie?

To save money of course. C-ranked missions cost less than B-ranked. You thought.

Maybe he didn't have enough money.

"You couldn't pay the extra few cents to afford a B-ranked mission?" Kakashi assumes.

Tazuna lowers his gaze, and you realize this man has most likely put his life and your team's life in danger in order to save some money.

You smiled to yourself knowing that you were right but then frowned knowing how complicated this made everything.

Sakura gives a sad smile as she realizes the truth as well. "I'm sorry, Mr. Tazuna, but we are not qualified for this type of mission yet; we'll have to give up. Besides, we need to apply an anesthetic to Naruto's wound to open it and drain the poisoned blood, so we'll have to return to the village for a doctor, anyways." She confirms.

You glance at Naruto who is staring at his bleeding hand in anger, clearly thinking of himself as the only reason your team will have to return to the village.

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