Fifteen: Sand Shinobi

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You sluggishly get out of bed to see who is knocking on your door so early in the morning.

Another sharp knock sounds through your apartment and you scream a, "I said, I'm coming."

You open the door to see three boys and a dog at your doorstep looking innocent. Shikamaru is scratching the back of his neck and you are surprised that he has woken up before you. Neji is just standing around, unsure of what he's really doing there, and Kiba is right in between them looking as guilty as ever. With Akamaru of course in his jacket.

"Hey Y/N are you busy?" Kiba says and Akamaru gives a bark.

You rub the puppy's head and just sigh at your friends. Besides Naruto these three (including Lee) were your other closest friends in the village.

"Come in, guys." Kiba runs and does a dive for your bed, while Neji and Shikamaru just find a spot on the little couch you had.

"So, we've all been busy studying and we thought that maybe we should all just hang out before we have to have our complete attention on the Chunin Exams. " Kiba explains from his position on your bed.

"Personally I think the whole thing is a drag so if we can find something that doesn't require too much effort that'll be great." Shikamaru says looking like he's about to fall asleep right there on your couch.

You decided to get ready while they're talking so you grab some clothes and head to the bathroom.

"It would be smart to take a break from all of this work because we will start seeing each other as enemies once the chunin exams roll around." Neji adds, surprisingly actually wanting to do more than just train.

"Is Lee coming?" You ask through the closed door.

"He'll meet us outside of your house in about 5 minutes." Kiba shouts back.

"Alright give me a couple minutes in the bathroom. You guys can help yourself to whatever you need."You say getting ready.

They all shout "ok" in unison and you continue your morning routine.

After you're finished you all head downstairs and Lee is waiting patiently as promised.

"Hey Lee!" You greet him giving him a hug. You hadn't seen him in forever, and you kind of missed his enthusiasm and optimism.

Shikamaru gives a glare your way, and you've realized that every time you talked about another boy or touched one, Shikamaru would either get jealous or say "it's a drag" way more than usual. 

Maybe he had feelings for you?

You stifle a laugh at the thought, no way.

"Y/N the power of youth is radiating of you, you look beautiful today. Please let me take you on a date to demonstrate my love for you after we finish hanging out with everyone today!"Lee practically screams.

You laugh, that was the Lee you missed so much.

"Sorry Lee, I have training after we hang out, but maybe another time?"

He just gives a thumbs up and a wink and you continue on with the group to a new arcade place that had just opened up.

You walk for a couple minutes when you see Sasuke chilling in one of the branches above. He sits in the tree watching something happening on the ground over the fence. From your position, you can't see what is happening beyond the fence, but you hear Naruto's shouting, so you tell the guys you'll meet them there and head to another nearby tree to get a look at what's going on with your team.

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