Ten: Heros and Outbursts

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(Y/N's POV)

It was the next day at dinner and you all were seated waiting for the food to be served.

Kakashi looks around the table at his team. Naruto and Sasuke were dead-asleep from exhaustion, you were grimy from helping Tsunami in the kitchen and helping Sakura, and Sakura's hands were cut from helping repair things around the house. Kakashi smiled at his team feeling proud at how hard all of you guys had been working lately.

You are sitting in between Sasuke and Naruto and Inari is sitting in between Sakura and Kakashi with Tsunami and Tazuna at the head of the dining room table.

Across from you, Inari lowers his head and begins to tremble.

A few droplets of water hit the table, and you realize Inari is crying.

"Why?" Inari asks quietly. He slams his fists on the table and stands up.

His sudden actions wake Naruto and Sasuke, and they look at you with surprise. To them, it probably appears that you are in a fight with Inari.

You give them a look to show them that you are as surprised as them and had nothing to do with his angry outburst.

"Why do you work so hard until you get like that?" Inari shouts as tears run down his face. "All of you! You're filthy, bleeding, and exhausted. What's the point?"

You flinch as he is directly in front of you so you get the brunt of the attack. He didn't have to yell in your face.

However you give the boy a minute to let it all out. You could feel his emotions radiating off of him and you don't know how long he's been holding it in, but he can't do that much longer.

"No matter how hard you train, how many cool things you say, or how much effort you'll make...the weak always lose against the strong. You'll die! Why do you even bother working?" Inari says as he collapses back into his seat. He hasn't stopped crying, and you wonder whom the tears are for.

"After all the effort you've seen us put in, you're still calling us the weak ones?" You give a smile hoping to cheer him up and calm him down. Upset and crying children were scarier than the strongest shinobi in the world to you.

"Shut up!" Inari screams at you.

You flinch back then narrow your eyes in surprise as Inari grabs you by the front of your shirt. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura tense, ready to jump to your aid from this pitiful child. Sasuke is the quickest to tense ready to be the first one to stop the fight if something goes wrong.

"I can't stand you all! You're too carefree for your own good. None of you know the first thing about pain or loss!" Inari shouts, releasing your shirt and pushing you away.

You were known for being quick-tempered and rash like Naruto and Sakura, and as you glance at Naruto and Sasuke's fallen faces, you can't help but get riled up.

Pain and loss? Aside from Sakura, everyone on your team is an orphan, an outcast, and the reason for someone else's pain and suffering. Inari would not know these things, of course, but he has no right to assume.

Sasuke had his whole clan murdered by his brother, Naruto was hated from the start and has never had anyone that cared for him until recently, and you had your whole clan anihilated by an enemy.

Sasuke an outcast because of his last name, Naruto because of the spirit sealed inside him, and you because of the color of your skin.


None of your teammates look up as Inari's words cut them deep. Kakashi opens his mouth, probably to clear the tense atmosphere, but your words tumble out of your mouth before you or anyone else can stop them.

Anger and hatred dripping from your lips, venom spitting from your teeth.

 "ENOUGH." You shout, pounding your fist on the table. Naruto and Sakura jump and Sasuke and Kakashi just look shocked"I am sick of you, you snot nosed kid." You snarl.

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