Fourteen:The Great Naruto Bridge

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You smile as you realize that Zabuza has accepted that he is no longer a useless tool for Gato to use and Haku wasn't his.

Zabuza kicks Gato off the bridge, and you know Gato will never be rising again to disturb the peace of this town.

Zabuza falters in his step, probably dying, and begins to make his way back to Haku's body. Gato's men make a path for him as he trudges towards his friend's dead body. No one dares block his way.

As Zabuza collapses to the ground, still several feet from Haku's resting body, you close your eyes in sadness.

"Don't look away." Kakashi says gently. "This is the end of a fierce and true shinobi."

Even though you know it is not your place to judge the value of a true shinobi you hope that Zabuza and Haku rest in Peace along with Sasuke.

Who knows, they might be going to the same beautiful place after all.

 "Guys!" Sakura shrieks from behind you.

You turn to see what's the matter. Your eyes widen at the sight waiting for you.

Sakura is helping Sasuke rise to his feet. She appears to have pulled all the needles out of his body, including the Senbom buried in his neck.

Kakashi nods and begins to walk back towards Sasuke. "Just as I expected." Kakashi says calmly. "Haku used the same technique he used to fake Zabuza's death. He used Sasuke's vital points to knock him practically lifeless so he wouldn't actually have to kill him."

Your eyes widen further.

Haku....didn't kill him....Haku.

Even though you are happy that Sasuke is alive, you can't help but feel guilty.

 "YOU DIDN'T TELL US?!" You shout angrily. You hit Kakashi on the chest and he gives a little "oof" before chuckling.

You can't help but smile knowing everything was ok.

You  turn to Sasuke. The boy raises his hand in a halfhearted wave, and you and Naruto share a smile.

You are about to run to reunite with Sakura and Sauske when someone whistles behind you.

"Damn ninja!" One of Gato's men shouts.

"You killed off our source of money. This village will pay!" Another goon yells.

Your jaw drops as this herd of well-over 50 men stampedes towards your team.

Kakashi's face falls and he turns to you sheepishly. "No chakra left." He tells you as he raises his hands meekly.

 "Sensei." You groan as you channel the remaining chakra in your body. You could probably make a single clone with the amount left.

 You and Naruto prepare for the fight ahead.

From behind you, on the land-end of the bridge, an unfamiliar horn sounds out. You whip your head in the direction of the town, and your jaw drops further.

"Anyone who comes closer to this town will not be allowed to live!" Tsunami screams, a large axe in her hands. Behind the woman is the entire village. Men and woman--even Inari--stand with a weapon in hand to protect his or her town.


 Inari waves his hammer to you and Naruto excitedly from the crowd of armed townspeople. "Heroes always arrive on the scene late!" He shouts to you.

Naruto nudges you and holds out an empty hand. "Got any knives?" He asks, having already given his last one to Zabuza.

You have exactly two kunai knives left, and you hand one to Naruto as you prepare yourself for the fight as well.

Clutching your knife, Naruto faces towards the gang of sailors at the far end of the bridge. "Ready, bestfriend?" He asks as he prepares to help protect this village.

"Ready." You assure him twirling the kunai in between your fingers.

 You and Naruto ready your weapons, but Kakashi clears his throat behind you. "Rather than wasting your time and energy with physical fighting, I've learned from experience that it's better to bluff." Kakashi says with a small smile.

He makes a hand sign, and at least 100 Kakashi's fill the bridge. Hey! He said he had no chakra left!

"Still want to fight?" Kakashi calls over to Gato's men.

The men flee back to their boat with their tails between their legs. None look back in time to see Kakashi's illusions flicker and fade.

Sasuke x Reader - Kekkai Genkai Love (Interracial)Where stories live. Discover now